0:00:30 | WWF wrestler from “parts unknown”, wrestling reminiscences: Ray Stevens and cheating Iron Sheik; ACC quiz: “what is he, an Arab, he’s not going to clean the floors of the White House” from Benjamin Emanuel; acrobatic Ric Flair, “the claw”, begging & sucker punch and Hulk Hogan transformation scenario; XFL flash in the pan; Jesse Ventura’s “puke media” fail; Al Franken more or less in |
0:13:09 | ACC “practicing throwin’ the ‘Oh’”, “Sieg Oh salute”, JCD: “reintroduce the goose step” |
0:16:57 | Unreported London anti-Israel rallies, Workers World Party, “Pole Dancers Anonymous” |
0:20:47 | Pile of parking tickets for CVC’s car, boyfriend Dexter’s lesbian lap dance at Michel’s club |
0:23:08 | JCD pans Battlestar Galactica: “one of the most dreadful science fiction things ever put on”, “last of many last episodes”, character wearing suit and tie, ACC: “are you practicing this rant for TWiT tomorrow”; ACC amusement over “stimulus package”; Obama cream-blue-red posterization filter; German measles “epidemic”; obamicon.me filter for “throwin’ the ‘Oh’” album art, JCD: “I’ll have to get drunk first”; dinner planning |
0:34:15 | Rabid raccoon outbreak; JCD mystery “new consumer product” |
0:36:30 | US Airways 1549 ditch into Hudson River, no NOTAM about Canada geese, no ATC audio, nothing scrambled, questions about dumping fuel, JCD on cargo air bladder, no life preservers, ACC on 90% successful water ditches, Bank of America executives on board, “arrival time” 3:32, JCD BoA “scare the crap out of them” theory |
0:46:18 | recovery.gov ; Obama letter to daughters in Parade Magazine; “historic level of transparency, oversight, and accountability”, $32bn for “smarter and better grid and focusing investment on renewable technology”, $2bn for “advanced battery loan guarantee and grant program”, $300M for “reducing diesel emissions”, $500M for TSA explosives detection, $800M for “hazardous fuel reduction” to prevent wildfires, JCD: “weeding” |
1:03:18 | Rep. Alan Grayson grills Fed’s Donald Kohn on balance sheet increase from $800bn to $2T, Kohn declines to identify institutions, interruption by Barnie Frank, Kohn on Americans’ right to know “types of spending… types of lending”, Grayson: “have people ever said we will not your hundred billion dollars because people will find out about it?”; Zimbabwe $100T note, Central Bank’s Gideon Gono on parallels with US and UK, “troubled bank fund”; hysteria on CNBC Squawk Box; free shipping on container ships from Asia, JCD on half-empty trains |
1:16:42 | Germany to filter all internet traffic to protect the children, Finnish researcher exposes bullcrap block list and gets investigated; second Heathrow runway rammed through |
1:21:38 | Steven Joseph Christopher Obama assassination plot for appointing Jews; Neelie Smit-Kroes’ new $450 Microsoft fine; Great Liquidity Crisis book, JCD on economic cycles as fractals, “everything is gonna always be just like something”, ACC: “this while theory is based on a screensaver”, fractal antennas |
1:33:28 | YouTube video of doctor igniting salt water, JCD: “the only thing missing is Penn Jillette”; ACC Slingbox still waiting on Virgin “donkey dicks” internet, Uma Thurman ads, Aviva insurance ad with name-changed celebrities, JCD on Hawaiian local news giant Samoan |
1:42:34 | Digital TV switchover high-end hologram coupon cards; ACC to be on Cranky Geeks; hedge fund manager Gene Lange turns hardcore prepper, JCD: “they’re all nuts” |