0:00:00 | JCD: (in tube) “Beyond stupendous!” (1:18:58 ) |
0:00:36 | Show 666 is here; ACC’s Halloween in “the ghetto”, “celebration of sluts”, 1970s Berkeley hookers, sexy ebola nurse |
0:09:26 | National {Slavery Enrollment College Application, Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness, Family Caregivers, Native American Heritage, Adoption, Entrepreneurship, Military Family, Diabetes, Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience} Month; ACC Smokey Bear kit story |
0:21:59 | No Agenda Mark of the Beast song |
0:23:05 | Boko Haram update: girls now converted to Islam and married, ACC: “divorce our girls” |
0:24:58 | Antares Russian-made rocket explosion a self-destruct; amateur radio satellites on board; Virgin Galactic experimental fuel explosion, Ms. Micky approached by company, Joel Glenn Brenner on enthusiasm vs technology gap, “I don’t see them at least being able to carry anybody into space in the next ten years”; China’s unmanned lunar mission recovered |
0:36:51 | Dvorak-Horowitz on QE not really ending due to reinvestment; European interest rate 0%, euro dropping; JCD recommends Chinon wine in France |
0:41:35 | Elementary Sherlock Holmes pronunciation of “zoology” as “zoo-ology” |
0:42:58 | IPCC report just in time for the elections; billionaire Tom Steyer campaign; Graham Nash on Morning Joe: “I often wonder, don’t the Koch brothers have children?”; Ban Ki-moon: “three-cheese messages”, “science has a-spoken”; Weather Channel “cofounder” John Coleman shuts down Brian Stelter: “if you’re going to get the money, you gotta support their position” |
1:08:07 | Podcast renaissance, 99% Invisible Kickstarter, commuters sick of commercial-filled radio |
1:12:11 | Weather channel Coleman rebuttal: “the science is pretty clear about climate change” |
1:15:35 | Producer Segment: Art Generator makeover |
1:42:23 | Aeroflot naming new low-cost line Victory; Russian supermarkets doing well because of European food ban; Europe paying for Ukraine’s gas to keep Russian shutoff, ACC: “yes, people of Ukraine, you will have gas to heat your home, unfortunately your home will be a tent” |
1:46:17 | Tech news: IBM/Twitter Watson partnership: “the new natural resource, comparable in impact to coal to iron to iron ore”; Two Techies podcast propagating Apple “mid-seventies” 1990s post-Steve decline myth; FTDI USB controller chip driver bricking counterfeits; FCC hybrid common carrier plan backed by Mozilla Foundation; Condé Nast owns Ars Technica |
2:13:22 | Donation Segment: Mimi’s birthday |
2:31:16 | SARI radiationeffects.org letter on costs of Fukushima evacuation |
2:34:27 | Tim Cook outed years ago; “soften the blow” for Hillary & Huma, Red Book: Hillary out after series of high-profile outings |
2:40:10 | Castle clip: “you know the problem with anonymity, there is no accountability; it empowers cowards to be bullies”; Martin Kaplan “91 different television shows” revisited; buyout skit |
2:46:43 | Americans can’t get bank accounts overseas; German finance minister: “banking secrecy in its old form is obsolete”, 2017 transition, 2018 for Switzerland; difficulty and expense of wire transfers to offshore banks; Dutch “poke and PIN”, have to check out of transportation to stop the meter, no truly anonymous cards; ACC 15-year-old Dutch IRS tracking story |
2:55:00 | ACC: most recent Newsletter “one of the best pieces of work you’ve ever done” |
2:55:56 | Eric Frein love triangle, US Marshalls involvement; “getting your face shoved to the ground is a very small price to pay” |
2:59:34 | NSA SIGINT director Teresa Shea’s resignation |