0:00:00 | ACC: “Excuse me, we’re talking about quarantine from ebola, not haircuts!” (1:37:02 ) |
0:00:36 | San Franciscans burning down city over sports win; BitTorrent Sync plug; JCD on dismal Costco wine situation |
0:06:42 | Tech news: Tim Cook out of the closet; Red Book: government blackmail and Apple Pay sabotage over encryption; new FBI criminal procedure regulations on electronic search and seizure, ACC: “you can tweet: hey, we just searched your drive” |
0:15:01 | The sorry state of tech reporting: “suspicious cyber-activity” on White House network, “tip from an ally”, “Russian hackers”; Phoenix computer system: “people trying to access the web site in their internet-based system”; John McAfee the virus inventor, John Markoff taken of Morris worm story; DDoS to “get into the system”; Scorpion: “we’re accessing his car’s operational mainframe”, “raising engine temp” |
0:34:59 | CBS News president Rhodes’ brother counterterrorism director; Sheryl Atkinson’s iMac “wiping out files at hyper-speed”, no interviews until her book is released |
0:40:31 | Hungarian internet tax protests, South Stream pipeline hosting, Victoria Nuland: “the twin cancers of democratic backsliding and corruption”; Putin’s pancreatic cancer rumor; “startling” Russian flights over Europe; Russian hackers messing with White House; Psaki questioned on Valdai speech; Reagan dropped “evil empire” term after visiting, made Saudis drop oil to $10 per barrel; where did Ukraine’s IMF money go? |
0:58:06 | Producer Segment: NA artwork on checks; April Australia & New Zealand trip |
1:18:22 | Reflections on seven year anniversary; Shows 200 and 200.5 |
1:19:52 | New York Times “where are the ebola patients?” article; WHO on ebola slowdown; Dr. Fauci on monkey vaccine development ten years ago, BARDA tasked with “biodefence medical countermeasures”, power to force vaccination; Johnson & Johnson in the game; Elizabeth Warren on Christie’s involuntary quarantine, “we put money into funding ebola”; Josh Earnest on military quarantine as haircut; oil in Congo; Gardasil FAQ: no reduction in cervical cancer |
1:39:28 | JCD’s scam e-mails from Comey, PayPal, scam@paypal.com , FBI has no such thing; McDonald’s anti-McDonald’s advertisement; McDonald’s infographic PR e-mails |
1:44:05 | University of California Bill Maher cancellation petition; European Muslim tinderbox |
1:49:31 | Turkey allowing Peshmerga; Chambliss: “killing them is the only option”; Frontline on Iraqi military collapse in Mosul; Michael Leiter: ISIS “going after jihadi cool”; Kaiser Alexander not playing along with Cavuto’s “loosen spying reins”; Feinstein on “lone wolf phenomenon”; Canadian on Rob Ford’s departure: “it’s like ISIS coming to Toronto!”; CSIS funding bill up for review at time of shooting; Wolf of Wall Street recommendation |
2:12:32 | Obama in Wisconsin: “you can vote all week!”; Rebel Pundit anti-Obama video; blacks too all-in Democratic to have any political clout |
2:17:42 | Donation Segment |
2:26:41 | Democracy Now guy kicked out of Urban Shield convention; Tsarnaev supposedly found via infrared camera, Coburn sets the record straight |
2:31:55 | Race = nationality meme; Martin Couture-Rouleau’s portrayal as racist; Farage the racist |
2:38:56 | Hagel at Atlantic Conference: “I think we are seeing a New World Order” |
2:40:49 | FCC’s Tom Wheeler letter on de-bundling cable and local content through legislation |
2:48:00 | Today Show at haunted Eastern State Penitentiary |
2:53:00 | Castle “it takes 20 minutes to reboot!” |