0:00:00 | JCD: “Bup… flash, flash flash!” |
0:00:32 | JCD’s professional musical siren; “we don’t like to foster a competitive atmosphere” clip |
0:01:37 | Dr. Kiki’s flu shot: “it was worth it!”; herd immunity |
0:04:33 | Ebola jingles; White House “ebola czar” Ron Klain, Josh Earnest: “not an ebola expert, but rather an implementation expert”, Obama/Klain skit, “whole-of-government approach”, ACC: “he’s a super-lobbyist”; travel ban would impact soldier health worker mobility; Obama talking to unnamed “world leaders”: “I think more and more of them are stepping up”, “I don’t have a philosophical objection, necessarily, to a travel ban”; even Ms. Micky having nightmares, Hollywood diseases with fifteen-second incubation, Scanners exploding head |
0:23:06 | Obama on travel ban effectiveness, “broken travel”, “I continue to push, and ask our experts whether in fact we’re doing what’s adequate”; CNN on “hysteria”, “we don’t have any direct flights”, TourĂ© leaking bathtub “paint rubber walls” analogy; “trust-building exercises in government”; Republican “that’s a yes or no question” to Frieden; Sam Stein: “when you look at a travel ban, you have to look at it holistically”; vomiting D.C. tour bus rider, Presidential podcast: “you cannot get it from casual contact like sitting next to someone on a bus” |
0:38:42 | Johns Hopkins’ Michael Osterholm’s vaccine “plan C”, “getting it into somebody in Africa”, “cold chain”; Sam Stein: we would have vaccine if not for budget cuts; Ron Klain’s brother’s anti-Republican Twitter feed; LZ Granderson on ebola as election issue |
0:50:55 | Producer Segment: Kilbride’s No Agenda - Saving America: Shut Up Slaves! |
1:14:56 | Boko Haram defeated by bickering schoolgirls (CotD); no more Gamergate e-mails, please |
1:20:36 | “President Barama” rejected credit card joke at signing ceremony for Executive Order on financial transaction security, upgrade EBT terminals with Federal money; compromised credentials to be sent to government; Citibank/FICO credit score deal |
1:34:16 | Viagra advertisement with creepy British woman |
1:36:42 | Old food bank Hamburger Helper clip; New York’s Glorious mac & cheese restaurant |
1:38:45 | S.2826 Strengthening Forgiveness for Public Servants Act for partial student loan forgiveness |
1:43:44 | New UN initiative for Libya |
1:45:24 | Matt Lee asks Kirby about Hagel’s “revisionist Russia” army on “NATO’s doorstep”, “I’m pretty sure it wasn’t NATO who put little green men inside Ukraine”, “I barely got a history degree at the University of South Florida” meltdown, Psaki: “other countries feel threatened”; Chernobyl sarcophagus funding woes, Sir Atomic Rod: dome unnecessary |
2:00:51 | Producer note on impossibility of ebola contamination in hospital tube system; Thom Hartmann nurse (un)readiness interview; debunking Republican ebola conspiracy theories |
2:08:26 | Nieman Journalism Lab pushing native advertising: “you might think that the public would resent this trick but there’s no evidence to suggest they do”; “paid for and posted by Dell” |
2:16:28 | Donation Segment |
2:29:22 | Five-year-old “pop the pig” advertisement clip |
2:30:03 | Hunter Biden cocaine scandal, Joe: “we have a lot of bad judgment in our family” |
2:38:13 | Home Secretary Theresa May: “the collection of bulk data is not mass surveillance”; Russell Brand a distraction; Comey on CALEA — surveillance for lazy law enforcement — “encryption threatens to lead us all to a very very dark place”, “bad guys don’t back up their phones routinely”; “we want to use the front door with clarity and transparency”; Zuckerberg IMs: “they trust me, dumb fucks” |