0:00:00 | JCD (falsetto): “Oh really? You really work for CBS?” (1:27:13 ) |
0:00:33 | JCD’s turkeys, ACC’s “2004” in intro; “neurodiversity”, pedophilia recognized under ADA? |
0:05:15 | Obama’s “indispensable nation” in FPI executive summary; recommendation to repeal military budget cuts; Obama at Pentagon: “leaner, meaner”; “post-Assad Syria” part three of three-prong approach; Wes Clark: “as Vladimir Putin is finding, or as Gaddafi found out” |
0:24:33 | Executive Order reinstating Russian import duties; HBO Sochi documentary |
0:28:11 | David Marsh USA Today China SDR article, National Endowment for Democracy in Hong Kong; State Department outdoing CIA, Hillary “techno-experts”; RMB as reserve currency, “magic circle”, Frits Bolkestein, Ruud Lubbers on omfif.org board; Hong Kong the Zug of China; Endowment for Democracy USAID funding, Marsh OMFIF co-founder |
0:43:37 | Udo Ulfkotte on CIA recruiting journalists, Bundesnachrichtendienst Libya article request, “do you really think this is journalism, intelligence agencies writing articles?”, Bob Woodward Naval Intelligence background; Martin Kaplan on Norman Lear Center’s “free resources to writers who want to include climate change as one of the storylines that they’re working on” (CotD), Modern Family subclip, Gates-funded Global Centers, India and Nigeria top entertainment centers, “91 different television shows”; Gates illegal HPV vaccinations in India |
1:07:45 | Producer Segment: ACC’s T-Mobile support “awesome”, “mirific” |
1:26:23 | Chicks dig producers; ACC’s CBS secret; DHS guy: ebola “the ISIS of infectious agents” |
1:30:14 | Charlie Rose feeding lines to Matthew Olsen on NSA, cyber mercenaries, targeting Dudes named Ben; heroin in London; Bergdahl official story: “it’s hard to argue with getting an American back”; Khorasan “received an air strike”, “old al-Qaeda”, “what worries you the most?”: {Khorasan, aviation targets}; Rose Benghazi laughter, “we didn’t even have to articulate it” as terror attack |
1:51:43 | Dutch Ruppersberger with Brolf on FBI request for help identifying Midwestern American in Flames of War with bloodless executions; Comey on dozen American terrorists all known, “I don’t know what I don’t know” Thom Hartmann meme; Ruppersberger: “remember, ISIS is out there recruiting”, “it happened in the Boston bomber”; Mohammed Hamzah Khan arrest, “unless they’ve broken the law, all we can do is monitor them”, background Allahu akbar; London “public beheading” arrests, billionaire ISIS, “they have social media”; Khorasan R&D: “plastic bombs that they can put in iPhones”; Aric the Shill’s FBI honeypot theory |
2:09:33 | Australian National Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 criminalizing intelligence journalism on ASIO and affiliates; Keith Bristow of British National Crime Agency: “we don’t operate in a secret, we often have to operate covertly”; Adobe Omniture spying |
2:26:07 | Political family members as lobbyists |
2:27:34 | Donation Segment: Tony Bennet “in the morning!” on Cheek to Cheek track eight |
2:39:50 | JCD’s L.A. trip: Adobe Behance, Tom Leykis Show; unmarked duplicate boarding pass swap |
2:45:54 | SpaceX 2015 Falcon 9 landings vs 1969 lunar module |
2:47:52 | Ebola patient died twice; Obama: “epidemic”, “political stability and economic stability of this region”; British military to Africa; unusable computer software “glitch”; Frieden on ZMapp, vaccine; Brett Giroir, Texas A&M vaccine facility |
3:00:00 | CBS, Vox Media flu vaccine native ads; Gen. Rodriguez: no troops involved in treatment; $33bn cost; Tekmira stock surge; Spanish ebola dog petition; CNN Liberian kid lying down |
3:11:35 | Common Core: why 3 x 4 = 11 |