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64 Carbon Credits and the CIA (2009-01-03)

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0:00:30Gitmo Nation shirts a thing of the past, $45 shipping to UK; ACC in new house with new setup, ACC: “you sound … much better than you’ve ever sounded on the broadcast right now” (everything sounds like crap), call-in configuration for next week
0:06:06Boxing Day “full of boxes”; stock market prognostications, JCD busted for “I’m thinkin’ $200” for oil on old show, bandwagon “huge Obama fan”
0:10:39Israeli embassy protests with Bianca Jagger and Annie Lennox, Jett Travolta death
0:12:53JCD’s new souped-up “dead silent” EndPCNoise machine; Android and OS X on netbooks; JMD’s world water crisis paper, Trouw Daily on hydropower “disaster” for global warming, vegan influence, ACC deathly afraid of PETA; IPCC predicts global cooling for next thirty years due to Pacific decadal oscillation; NASA in 2002 on pole shift contributing to climate change; 100 earthquakes a day at Yellowstone, size of Krakatoa, general public “oblivious”
0:27:57Leap-second Zune bricking, five years early, Daylight Saving Time scheme; JCD: “now’s the time” for Yellowstone visit, TSA head “hand wringing”, CIA radio ad clip: “US citizenship required” disclaimer, JCD honeypot theory; reporter with fake boarding pass and gunpowder ingredients clears TSA, condemnation from JCD
0:39:04CIA kids’ page “aerial analysis challenge” and The Last Starfighter, ACC: “waterboard your parents”; JCD on Gina Smith and CIA, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man negative reviews pointing to CIA stooges
0:45:22JCD Gaza Strip breakdown: end of WWII opportunity for Middle East “spoils of war” takeover; Obama inauguration, “party administration”, JCD: “endless campaign speeches”; UK 0.1% savings interest, tracker mortgages and LIBOR; ACC’s movers contemplating pitchforks & torches
0:53:36Top Chateauneuf-Du-Pape picks in Financial Times, JCD unimpressed; Chez Spencer disappointment, Fringale changes; trendy Peruvian restaurants, chifa faux chop suey; Jamie Oliver: British “drunks with diets worse than those found in the poorest slums of Soweto”, ACC’s local restaurants; Gordon Ramsey in the doghouse for affair; Celebrity Big Brother roster, Vern Troyer’s porn tape, Michael Jackson broke rumor
1:08:34Russia turns off Ukraine’s gas right on schedule; state control over Obama’s vacated Senate seat, Caroline Kennedy quid pro quo; Bloomberg’s 80 new taxes, ACC’s $2M NYC tax bill, municipal bond collapse, road and park selloffs, Tappan Zee Bridge
1:17:33No call-ins due to router config, JCD’s Skype Chinese checkers
1:20:15Canadian farmers growing carbon credits; Green network on $6 airfare carbon offset scam, $1800 per, carbon credit T-shirts