0:00:00 | ACC: “Achmed, swallow the key!” (1:32:10 ) |
0:00:33 | ACC mike humming problem; replace “weird” with “odd”, new meaning of “share” |
0:04:49 | Kurt Eichenwald on conspiracy theories “harming the country”, medical experiments on refugee children; Michele Bachmann — foster parent to 23 children — on foster children as wards of the state; Agenda 21: “urban development, blah blah blah blah”, “grant trees the rights of humans”, JCD: “hey man, my pine tree votes no!”; “anti-vacciners” |
0:22:58 | Eichenwald on truthers, muddying the waters in the wake of the 28 pages; Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, WTC 7 third worst structural failure |
0:35:23 | Climate consensus paper on 97.1% of the 31.3% who had an opinion; Environment and Public Works committee report on “billionaires club” running EPA, Sea Change Foundation |
0:50:00 | Ham radio Youtube video, ACC: “some guy looking at tubes?”, crazy stuff on 14.313 MHz |
0:51:34 | Feedback on media policies not showing Newtown blood but showing atrocities overseas; Tsarnaev brothers missing “money shot” video |
0:56:09 | Foreigners fleeing Libya, gunfire on Tunisian border, Obama in 2011: “no question that Libya and the would be better off with Gaddafi out of power” |
1:03:11 | Producer Segment: listen.noagendastream.com |
1:22:54 | NPR hushed-voice story on upgraded al-Qaeda “Mujahideen Secrets” encryption software: “it was like jumping from Windows 2.0 to Windows XP” |
1:34:00 | Kaiser Alexander has filed for nine patents, JCD: “here’s a lot of money, just shut up and stay shut up”; Buzzkill Jr.’s phone drain identified as a Stingray operation; FISA court judges buying Verizon stock, USA FREEDOM Act compensation clause; GEO, Wackenhut getting a lot of money to house illegals |
1:40:54 | RDI one-page declassified summary, IT staffers’ “lack of candor”; Obama: “we tortured some folks”, spectacular Obama stammer, “I understand why it happened”, “the plane in Pennsylvania had fallen”, “sanctimonious”, JCD recommends The Third Degree on NYPD torture |
1:52:23 | Feinstein on unconstitutionality of CIA spying on the Intelligence Committee; Brennan: “we wouldn’t do that”, grimy hands on first printed copy of the Constitution lacking Bill of Rights |
1:58:04 | Sanjay Gupta play-by-play on Brantley arrival at Emory University Hospital, CDC on ebola vaccine, “airlines are on the alert to cull the herd”, TNT’s The Last Ship |
2:09:01 | Executive Order revising list of quarantinable communicable diseases, 2003 order added SARS, already contained ebola, VHFs viral hemorrhagic fevers “not yet isolated or named”, “cause or have the potential to cause a pandemic” influenza still in place, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases” |
2:17:39 | npg.org ; 1974 paper by Ehrlich & John P. Holdren |
2:22:31 | Donation Segment |
2:38:00 | Kale “the must-have superfood” in France |
2:42:27 | Obama on Russia: “short of going to war, there are going to be some constraints in terms of what we can do”; Harf: “at some point I think the Russian citizens are going to be pretty unhappy that because of his actions in the region and other countries their economy is tanking, so that’s what it is designed to do …”, AP Matt: “so in fact you’re saying that the goal here is to make it painful on the Russian people”, Harf: “not at all” |
2:48:26 | Fareed Zakaria: “Putinism” spread to Turkey |