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637 Common Sense Fact (2014-07-24)

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0:00:00JCD: “Shakin’ and bakin’ in that thing.” (2:34:05)
0:00:32Eight Beatles songs on the pre-stream; Linda McCartney isolated mike prank
0:04:12Texas coal-rolling
0:07:35Mimi: “you guys move more than my dog moves its bowels”, another dead cat
0:08:55MH17: Richard Quest the “aviation expert”; MTV’s Wang system; Ukrainian SU-25 5km behind aircraft, 28k foot ceiling, 33k foot maximum operating altitude, MH17 requested to descend to 33; $20bn Russian investments by German companies, Netherlands largest exporter in EU, Russian oil to Rotterdam, gas storage in north, “Dutch reacharound” tax haven, legal haven for Russian oligarchs; Juncker’s proposed energy union
0:25:10Question to Harf on Indian Prime Minister; European Cockpit Association on countries who knew risks; Psaki benched? Nord Stream pipeline direct to Germany, Trans-Adriatic pipeline; “thugs”, last year’s Dutch/Russian tit-for-tatting, Remnick: Russian television “paranoid propaganda line”, “Putinism”; AP Matt to Harf: “what is it that’s other than social media?”
0:45:42Harf on Ben Gurion restriction, passenger nervousness: “he and our whole team were very comfortable landing at Ben Gurion”; Bloomberg to Brolf: “…you’re implying that our government does things for political reasons, and maybe every once in a while they do”; European airlines pulling out, FAA reversal
0:53:32Shah Deniz gasfield a Gazprom replacement, Netherlands a “passthrough country”
0:59:56JCD @McDonalds douchebags tweet; woman arrested, fired for leaving kid at park
1:02:53US support for Iranian insurgents via IWPR, Freedom House: sponsors
1:08:21Josh Earnest on SA-11 back to Russia, evidence “marshalled” from social media, “calculus”
1:11:11Producer Segment
1:32:38Adam Schiff on Russian “bellicose foreign policy”, how are sanctions not an act of war? Bill Richardson and Madeline Albright on 500k Iraqi children dead: “I stand behind the sanctions”
1:38:02Afghan run-off election, runner-up becomes Prime Minister; BRICS to work on elimination of Afghan drug production; TAPI pipeline, Waziristan
1:42:23Feinstein on MH17: “Putin, you have to man up”; Dutch Foreign Minister Timmermans on stolen wedding rings; two French ships for Russia, Air Algiers plane vanishes
1:47:17Norway terror threat “aggravated”; Human Rights Watch on FBI-thwarted “plots” as set-ups, Newburg Four; 40% of FBI budget for counterterrorism, “pre-investigation assessments, gathering information in the absence of suspicion of wrongdoing or threat to national security for unlimited periods”; Kaiser Alexander’s million a month consulting for Wall Street
2:00:20Lagarde’s 7/20; kicking Russia out of G20; anti-Russia propaganda aimed at Europe; Harf always prefixes “pro-Russian”, insincere MH17 memorial, “and second, a quick travel update for people…”; Producer Pierre on EU anthem in A Clockwork Orange
2:10:09Donation Segment: No Agenda battery car 33; ACC’s rainstick works
2:21:37“The new meth” war on hash oil in Washington State
2:22:49Josh Earnest on cameras not allowed at Apollo 11 event
2:25:55Thom Hartmann “people love it!”; Hillary at Google, Kerry on Sunday shows, “extraordinary moment of diplomacy”: “we’ve got to get over there” (CotD); Biden’s Air Force Two “office”
2:37:24ITProTV clip: “this is Ben; Ben has a knack for technology and computers”
2:40:24Hundred police chiefs arrested in Turkey, Erdoğan-Obama comms down; Turkey as “pass-through country”; Kurds using Turkish embassy in Mosul, Red Book: assassination