Call Clooney!

589 Guards Gates Guns (2014-02-06)

Show 589 album art
0:00:00ACC: “One-two. Alright, give me another cue.”
JCD: “Hit it.”
0:00:59Art show shmoozing: ACC: “I’m half of a comedy podcast duo”; “slave strong”
0:03:50What is heroin?; fentanyl shortage; opium in China; silver syringe sets; heroin on Long Island; Siegfried method; 2006 fentanyl epidemic; reduced pharmaceutical TV advertising; Sam Quinones with Gil Kerlikowske on PBS: ACC: “People need to get back on the regulated stuff”
0:33:46War on generics: Drospirenone and right to sue generic manufacturers
0:39:083-methylfentanyl as a chemical weapon
0:41:00Addiction as a disease vs syndrome; pot as alternative to opiates among football players; Facebook as gateway drug; big pharma pot
0:47:47Super Bowl: low odds on safety in first play; Windows 8; 9/11 truther, ACC: “where was the red dot on his head?”
0:52:45Producer Segment:,
1:07:15WHO on cancer spike; Wi-Fi and 4G; to double by 2030; 2030 omnipocalypse
1:11:56Militarization of football; Bob Dylan the sellout
1:15:37ACC: “Toothpaste is going to explode!”; Peter King the aviation expert with Brolf; Mike Rogers with Erin Burnett: “guards, gates and guns”, “fully robust intercooperative intelligence”, “black widows 2.0”; Richard Engel on Sochi “no expectation of privacy”
1:27:00ACC: “I know, they’re killing dogs — yeah, that’s a good one — everybody loves dogs”; nutty Keith Olbermann clip; Red Book: dog on the field during opening ceremony
1:36:31New Russian law on funding for NGOs
1:41:50Victoria Nuland “fuck the EU” to Geoffrey Pyatt; Ukraine/Chevron shale gas contract; Israeli John Kerry parody video; compartmentalization
2:00:15Still nothing on the German Snowden interview: has every news organization been NSL’ed?; Mike Rogers baiting James Comey on “fencing stolen material”; JCD: “I’m not sure I fully understand the question, but…”
2:08:54PRX Radiotopia financed by the Knight Foundation; Andy Carvin joins First Look Media: ACC: “It’s almost like a honeypot for douchebags”
2:10:23Donation Segment
2:22:22Deal reached on European bank bail-ins — to go into effect January 2016; 14 inches of rain in Ireland
2:27:24ACC got a Hillary 2016 bumper sticker; Hurley-Clinton affair
2:33:12Fresh Air interview on All Joy and No Fun book
2:35:01Panama Canal widening project dispute and Nicaragua alternative: ACC: “I don’t like the mushroom cloud on your stamp”
2:37:48Google to change search results to settle European anticompetitive suit without revealing details
2:39:42All Hell breaking loose in Central African Republic
2:43:14Dale Hurd on Belgistan; poster of An-Sofie Dewinter in bikini and burqa; four wives