0:00:00 | JCD: “Wait a minute, let me change my icon so I reflect my sympathy with the Ukrainians” |
0:00:26 | Seafood at Grand Central Station; JCD’s menu collection |
0:02:28 | Rainstick recap |
0:03:28 | Grammys-advertising integration; 33-couple wedding; dead segment; Katy Perry “Dark Horse” as advertisement for Disney’s Maleficent |
0:11:40 | State of the Union: 33.3 million viewers; JCD imitates hyperactive Brolf; ACC: “who styles these women?”; Obama’s pen and phone, JCD: “for one thing, they should have impeached him on the spot”; Costco speech |
0:19:20 | Tom Perkins letter; ACC & JCD debate danger of popular hatred of the 1%, wealth tax |
0:33:17 | Obama on income inequality; breathy-voice emphasis; “the best selling truck in America”; “screw the rich” meme; ACC: “Why are we all-in on pre-kindergarten?”; “climate change is a fact”; “God bless America” and lapel pins; wounded warrior applause; Constitutional basis of State of the Union |
0:49:22 | Feinstein in 2010: attempted terrorist attack in next 3-6 months |
0:50:44 | Senate Intelligence Hearing: buxom “you’re fired” Code Pink girls; “Eric”, “Edwin” Snowden; Snowden: “accomplish my mission”, “my government service”; Clapper performative-heavy non-answer on Executive Order 12333; DIA Michael Flynn on Snowden damage to military: “three miles high”; economic spying; CIA propaganda: publish it overseas; Red Book: wounded warrior result of leaks; Matt Olsen: ACC “so they stopped using Skype” |
1:21:04 | Producer Segment: ACC “you like Horowitz better than you like me”; liberals ditched art for STEM; JCD and ACC cruise control stories; 2030 |
1:40:59 | Heiss white paper finally released; Uprising of Love, Arcus Foundation; Amnesty International concert with Madonna and Pussy Riot: JCD: “you might as well have three versions of Yoko Ono”; BBC at Sochi gay bar |
1:52:14 | Ukraine: Haiku Herman welcoming Putin to Brussels; Eastern Partnership: “pipeline states”; DCFTA; digitalmaidan.com ; geographical indication phaseout, e.g. Champagne; homegrown-looking digitalmaidan.com by BWD Inc; Vitali Klitschko powder fire extinguisher video |
2:09:05 | HSBC not allowing cash withdrawals, alternative media: “bank run!”; J.P. Morgan Chase suicides: 33-story building; Lesse Loskarn hanging suicide |
2:17:10 | Justice oversight committee: Leahy to Holder on domestic drones: JCD: “I’ll summarize: we’re getting drones”; Gitmo facts and figures: “dispose of some”; Grassley Amendment “now paying considerably more for their healthcare”; prison population grown by 500% over 30 years, 1⁄3 of Justice budget |
2:27:54 | Donation Segment |
2:36:36 | BBC interview with Gülen the “moderate Imam” in “self-imposed exile”; Turkish Central Bank set interest rates to 12%, Lira now lower; Erdoğan moving “too fast” |
2:39:45 | Obama to Jordan soon |
2:40:57 | Super Bowl prediction: Colorado flooding and shootings, ACC: Seattle, JCD: Denver |
2:46:37 | Natural gas prices up |
2:47:00 | Bitcoin: Charlie Shrem arrested on money laundering charges |
2:47:58 | Wine sales in China higher than France |
2:49:37 | Criminal Minds “taking a flu shot filled with cancer” |
2:50:18 | Schumer on the shield law: “people the board” |