0:00:00 | JCD: “I will not get a fair trial in the United States.” (2:21:36 ) |
0:00:33 | Rainsticks for California |
0:01:23 | Federal vs State law: Fed law trumps (Supremacy clause) State only if it pertains to an issue left to Congress to regulate |
0:05:33 | ACC: “Jews and Muslims: on the behalf of the rest of us, can you work this shit out already??”; ACC’s father getting baptized; Dutch clandestine church; xrds.nl ; ACC “I’m going to this thing, and when they get to my dad, I’m playing Cat Stevens!” |
0:25:33 | Producer Segment: ACC: “and, your speakers are muted again”; Bob Geldof on 2030 |
0:39:33 | Davos: Marissa Mayer the oracle of finance; can’t tell who you met at breakfast; “victims of climate change”; ACC: Ban Ki-moon “has the personality of a dishrag”, “sustainable orban”, “transportations biodivorsities”, “we have only tree years”, 2017 collapse reference? |
0:50:59 | Al Gore: “climate-related extreme weather”, “really hurt the fight to improve health”, “400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs going off every day”; climate change responsible for Syria |
0:57:57 | Bill Gates pushing Monsanto, “development agenda”, “better seeds”, “I think climate’s got an awareness problem; Unilever CEO: ”climate change economy“, ”Future Awesome“ (CotD), ”get the Twitters, the Facebooks, the Googles“, ACC’s frenzied imitation |
1:12:08 | Six-Week Cycle: mall shooting vs Russian bomb maker; Death Master File; owner of Fire & Ice store plugging the store on newscast |
1:29:30 | Turkey: central bank intervention; Qatar pipeline; gold vs petrodollars |
1:39:11 | freedomhouse.org active in Turkey & Ukraine, supports “expansion of freedom in the world” |
1:45:02 | Human Rights Watch another State Department operation; Kerry on starvation as a war crime; new vocabulary item titushky a.k.a. agent provocateur |
1:48:36 | Vietnam protests against China over the Spratley and Paracel Islands, JCD: “gee, I wonder who’s behind this. And they’ve got the island meme!” |
1:51:14 | Producer points out Denver dispensaries meme as Starbuck’s commercial |
1:52:38 | Donation Segment: JCD’s strip club story; Club 33 |
2:09:24 | PCLOB report concludes program is illegal, Obama has thrown data storage question back to Congress; minimal impact on Najibullah Zazi plot; JCD: “Peter King is a douchebag”; Board chairman sworn in five days before Snowden leaks, Board competence an unintended outcome |
2:19:14 | Snowden deal telegraphed by Holder in New Yorker interview: “acceptance of responsibility”; Snowden doing online chats with Jake Tapper; Mike Morell now at CBS, “incidents” in Hong Kong, “I think about it in three buckets”, JCD: “there’s no way Snoden’s got anything in the cloud”; JCD: “this guy will start at 50k”; hotshot attorney will make the deal happen |
2:32:33 | New York police chief arrested for child pornography; porn on Pentagon computers: Tor nodes; Lamar Alexander assistant Ryan Loskarn’s two-to-the-head suicide; “Hill happy hours” |
2:41:29 | BBC: prison population higher because of “effect of exhaust fumes on the brain” |
2:42:14 | ACC: “I have Olympic fever, I really do”; dire warnings to Olympians from Chuck Hagel; package on private security companies; Heteroflexible Man jingle |
2:47:37 | Guess the Movie: Terror of Mecha-Godzilla |
2:49:56 | Breaking news: Justin Bieber has been arrested |