0:00:00 | JCD: “We’ve been here six years, we’re married, we’ve got two kids.” (0:45:28 ) |
0:00:35 | ACC has cedar fever |
0:04:39 | Weather juxtaposition clip: Minnesota vs California |
0:06:22 | BBC on Maunder Minimum, sunspot effect on climate; JCD: “When was the first time you heard that if we don’t do something this year it will be too late?” |
0:15:14 | Geneva 2 protocol: Iran uninvited; Caesar the informant and Carter-Ruck; ACC: “When a guy can’t say the word reliability you gotta think he’s lying” |
0:25:33 | Justin Bieber arrest Red Book debate |
0:26:38 | Montreux; Ban Ki-Moon on $6.5bn for Syria; Turkish Kurds; Eurabia and Dhimmitude: Theo van Gogh, Pim Fortuyn, Ayaan Hirsi Ali; JCD: “Uhhh. Uhhh. Grand Theft Auto’s a good game!” |
0:49:16 | Producer Segment: ACC: “a hail of bullets”; the term “meltdown” semi-legit; ACC’s impending purple roads gig |
1:03:55 | Olympics: Black widows in Sochi; press package skit; Hugh Laurie pouring vodka down the drain |
1:20:12 | F-Russia: the elusive white paper; Putin links gays to pedophiles |
1:13:59 | Thom Hartmann on Gitmo, gun control |
1:23:17 | Bill Maher on electoral college; JCD on media in favor of removing the college |
1:32:18 | Joris Demmink to be prosecuted for Pedobear activities |
1:33:59 | Donation Segment: SLAPP; JCD’s alternative reality reading list; Kindle Paperwhite |
1:52:54 | Obama flub: “Dominican Republican” |
1:54:03 | Silicon Valley shuttle buses: “income (in)equality”; Google bus rap song; JCD on trailer parks |
2:03:13 | DEA’s Capra lying about legalization: “In every part of the world where this experiment has been tried, it has failed, time and time again” ignoring Portugal, “Billy and his bong in the basement” |
2:06:53 | Deferred prosecution agreement between Justice and HSBC |
2:08:01 | Litigation with EPA over gas-fired power plant permitting; Federal vs State law |
2:11:38 | Netherlands referendum on EU |
2:13:56 | Refugee numbers: “rubble-ization of the world”; “Call Clooney” |
2:17:29 | Native advertising: Nativo; “A Blow for Honda”; JCD: “The one food you didn’t know will kill you” |
2:32:59 | International public service announcement on Voice of America: Rewards for Justice program offering up to $10m to informants on Benghazi |
2:36:11 | ACC: “Proof that Davos has completely jumped the shark”, young global leaders: Randi Zuckerburg |
2:36:53 | 2030 Survival Guide |
2:37:36 | Ukraine F-Russia activities, Victoria Nuland: “protest for basic human dignity and justice”, “…and America supports these values in every country on the planet”; Gulf Coast & East Coast natural gas terminals |
2:42:11 | New TPP chapter leaked, Russia the source of outrage? |
2:43:46 | Fashionable protests in Thailand |