0:00:00 | JCD: “It’s time for the thut.” |
0:01:24 | Sergeant Fred at the Podcast Awards |
0:03:36 | Marissa Mayer CES keynote; Katie Couric & David Pogue; JCD: “She sounds like Alex Jones!” |
0:17:05 | Ms. Micky photographing Professor Russ’ human brains |
0:18:05 | E-mail from Ryan on proposed “Shemales on E-mails” show |
0:18:28 | National Cervical Health Awareness Month (Gardasil promo) |
0:18:52 | No Agenda Swine Flu Minute: flu tents; “pandemic” standards lowered; people “testing positive” for H1N1; younger victims; clip: “several months”; Tamiflu price hike due to ObamaCare |
0:32:20 | Red Book: Amazon pharmacy; IBM Watson reboot |
0:35:31 | Uncle Don and Aunt Meg meeting to happen |
0:39:10 | Dennis Rodman speaking coherently; North Korea “open for business”; Kenneth Bae |
0:46:30 | Greenwald crowd’s anti-Israel stance; Narus & Verint Israeli companies; NSA-Israel connection; US-Israel connection |
1:06:12 | Anti-CIA propaganda: John Rizzo on CIA coke to Hollywood, questions to Washington Post/Amazon on disclosure; CIA runs Gülen; Kim Dotcom targeted for being German |
1:15:05 | First Leviathan gas field contract to Palestine Power Generating Company |
1:15:50 | Angela Merkel’s cross-country skiing “accident” in Switzerland |
1:17:30 | Producer Segment: ACC outed as a time traveler |
1:30:04 | No Agenda Diet |
1:31:45 | Hillary 2016: Gates/Carney O’Biden screw job; facial hair = something to hide; Hillary’s new haircut; hillaryclinton.com e-mail list; Gates’ Medal of Freedom |
1:42:47 | Christie-gate: bully meme; CBS News: anonymous smoking gun text message |
1:51:10 | Virginia delegate Mark Keam’s proposed criminal cyber-bullying ban (HB 834) |
1:54:02 | Polar vortex as global warming; Al Sharpton’s bubbling laboratory: “global warming scientologist”; Joe O’Biden “global warmem, global warmer de… deniers” (proposed evergreen); John Holdren whitehouse.gov video |
2:06:45 | CBS News: “In Indianapolis, where Miguel Silva was shoveling snow…” messaging; JCD: “I think we have to keep an eye on them” |
2:11:26 | Fukushima: steam, not fallout; China all-in on nuke; KPIX hit piece on Geiger counter video |
2:17:40 | “Disgusting gurglings of Thom Hartmann”: U.S.S. Ronald Reagan is nuclear |
2:18:52 | Donation Segment: shows like CSI poisoning jury pool |
2:30:02 | Rob Ford media hit job |
2:31:22 | Target cyber-attack: cyber-legislation; cyber-weapons inspectors |
2:34:22 | Tweeting city clerk noodle boy |
2:38:50 | War on Crazy: “adjudicated as a mental defective” |
2:41:26 | Future of movies according to George Lucas; JCD: “Would anybody pay 150 bucks to go see Anchorman 2?” |
2:44:41 | McDonald’s counter to “Supersize Me” |
2:46:30 | No need to send us links to Conan local news pieces |
2:47:36 | Mac OS Snow Leopard Launch Services “Mac Molasses” fix |
2:49:25 | Hashtags in e-mail subject lines |
2:50:34 | Recycling as the career of the future |
2:54:33 | Diane Sawyer: drunk again |