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579 Warren, Melinda & I (2014-01-02)

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0:00:00JCD: “Eh, you do what you gotta do.”
0:00:38National Mentoring Month, National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, National Stalking Awareness Month
0:04:18Hunger strikers outside Austin TX city hall against fluoridated water
0:05:08First baby born in 2014, MKULTRA mom: “so, lots of surpriseees”
0:06:37ACC: “John ended the year liking the chatroom”
0:07:20ACC & JCD’s New Years
0:08:48No Agenda Swine Flu Minute: H1N1 numbers up in young adults; H1N1 vaccine incorporated in regular flu shot; out of work 1-2 weeks
0:14:39Adam’s hair
0:15:57JCD on Windows 8.1 Pro preview: “it will reboot in two hours”
0:18:08Bloomberg e-cigarette ban; ACC on snus; JCD on chewing tobacco
0:25:20“What the Hell is wrong with Colorado?” (pot problem); equated with Netherlands bicycle traffic
0:33:36Jordan Maxwell: USA as corporation
0:41:27Warren, Melinda & I; Robert W. Wilson suicide
0:47:43Taxes in France; VAT fraud
0:52:34Business Insider on “The Wolf of Wall Street”
0:54:54JCD on “House of Cards” and “Rubicon”
0:57:45Neure Feu magazine invite to ACC on Sandy Hook and Boston; “Media Assassin” moniker rejected by US magazine; PBS funding: “Kaiser Medical Report, funded by… Kaiser”; Times Square; Roku 3
1:07:27Producer Segment: first appearance of “Cuban cigars and single malt scotch”
1:24:10Turkey and Erdoğan
1:24:50Snow Job: Jacob Appelbaum in Der Spiegel; garage door openers and 13C3
2:32:06Donation Segment
2:37:05Slow, compromised cloud backups vs cheap HDDs: ACC: “Hey Carbonite, have you ever received a request?”
2:42:00If No Agenda had CNET’s sponsors: Carbonite account rep skit
2:45:03Infowars on Potassium Iodide: 14M doses for H&HS by Feb 1 2014 (6-week cycle?)
2:46:18JCD down to 2 or 3 Slingboxes, call for help
2:47:03White House STEM student film festival; Bill Nye the Science Guy
2:49:21Shooting spree/suicide fractal; Luisiana on bullying: Ben Freeman
2:53:36Brian the Gay Crusader’s white paper
2:55:01ACC to JCD: any pre-December short positions taken on Target?
2:56:55USA Today: “more record lows than highs”
2:57:20Cs-137 found in CA from Fukushima
2:57:35Environmental damage from North Dakota train collision/explosion
2:58:03“Hearts and Minds” document with Daniel Ellsburg on Vietnam; “Liars and fooling the public” clip; Vietnamese Tungsten
3:02:10South Sudan: Chinese oil companies; rubble