574 Make Happy (2013-12-15)

0:00:00 | ACC: “Do you have everything, do you have a spreadsheet? You have your lunch money?” JCD: “I got no lunch money.” ACC: “Did someone steal your lunch money?” JCD: “No I didn’t get any, I forgot, I left it at home.” ACC: “Well it’s not working too well is it?” JCD: “Alright hit it.” |
0:01:44 | JCD’s Leo hand-me-down battery-hog HTC-1; “FBI Surveillance Van” wireless network |
0:04:02 | Six-Week Cycle: Wichita bomb plot by Terry Lee Loewen, “the bomb was a dud”, “Hell-bent on murder”, “without lawful authority”, “home-grown terrorism” |
0:21:27 | Arapahoe shooting; Littleton CO active shooter drill; “we did not hear another gunshot”; Sheriff announced retirement day before; Denver Post removes the word “socialist”; active shooter drills the new duck and cover; Obama: “heal troubled minds”; Dr. Drew with Brolf: “intervening when symptoms arise”; JCD: “it’s not the kind of marijuana we smoked, Bill, when I was a kid”; ATF botched Milwaukee operations; “did he have a car?” question to bonehead Sheriff; next 6-week cycle January 23-28 |
0:51:34 | Need to rename Black Friday due to racial overtones; Amazon & Arsenio ban “slave” |
0:59:38 | “Furries for No Agenda”, JCD on furries at Buzzkill Jr.’s graduation |
1:01:50 | Producer Segment: dinner with the Republi-bots: “how ‘bout the big man?” |
1:13:07 | Peculiar Leahy comment: “you were either alive and walking or you were dead, there’s nothing in between”; Père Curry’s Austin-Healy |
1:16:38 | 60 Minutes NSA story, Rick Ledgett on Snowden task force; 1.5 million documents; deal? Ledgett yes Kaiser no; Ask Adam: “Bethesda Maryland, why are you wearing camo?”; Franken-ramble, “out of the capacities of big data”; JCD’s SIM-less phone still getting weather |
1:35:04 | code.org ’s “hour of code”, ACC: “when you get voted off this island you go down the conveyor belt into the fast food business”; Zuckerberg’s scientists as rock stars event, Yuri Milner, ACC: “before you know it there’s a picture of him being boned by a tranny snorting coke” |
1:49:15 | Donation Segment: title transfer to firstborn girl question for Peerage Committee |
2:02:23 | Marie Harf on IMF loan; Ukrainian Russia hatred, drive-by kicks, ACC: “take your Polish bacon and your fags and get out of here!”; Trans-Eurasian rail theory, China-Vienna talks, Paris-Barcelona link |
2:12:17 | Fracas in the pressroom over Air Force One photography; noisy cameras |
2:17:16 | “The rabbit has landed” |
2:21:03 | Kim Jong Un executes his uncle: ACC & JCD: “stunned!” |
2:23:36 | Drone strike on a Yemeni wedding party |
2:23:58 | Stanley Fischer to replace Janet Yellen; Microsoft Dynamics advertisements: “Make Happy”; JCD: “honey, I’m going to see my relationship banker!” |
2:28:35 | Twitter’s temporary blocking change: ACC: “you can’t be blocking advertisers” |
2:29:35 | Jen Psaki: John Kerry “on travel” |
2:33:31 | Sexual harassment downgraded to misconduct for Colorado six-year-old; New York City requiring prescooler flu shots; JCD on China modernization and flu origin; H7N9 in Hong Kong |
2:39:29 | Nancy Pelosi: $1.50 for every $1.00 spent on unemployment, Republicans hate women; Hobby Lobby controversy on morning after pill |
2:46:36 | Hollywood Whackers: Ronni Chasen autopsy results; Russian cuisine |