Call Clooney!

571 New World Odor (2013-12-05)

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0:00:00JCD: “We were both cris-crossing Manhattan between the UN and the Global Clinton Initiative, but I don’t think we were ever in the same place at the same time until the end of the day. That’s often how it is during UN week.”
ACC: “That sounds like a horrible life.”
0:00:46Sinterklaas and his Black Petes; wooden shoes
0:01:28William Bratton re-hired as NYC police chief, stop-and-frisk “with respect”; Obama pardoned 10 turkeys, 39 humans, JCD: “he’s a mean bastard”
0:05:40Black Pete controversy: Joachim Stroink apology; Martin Bashir resignation over Sarah Palin slavery rant
0:20:34Representative Duncan Hunter on C-SPAN: WTC 7 caller, “did you read the 9/11 investigation by the committees?”; Hunter on Iranian liars
0:28:28Dinner with the O-bots: “Twitter of our genome” line greeted by wall of silence; Professor switching to Linux: “iOSification of OS X” founders: Gates Foundation, Citigroup, USAID, UNCDF, Omidyar Network, Visa, Ford Foundation
0:41:58Former chief of Dutch Central Bank likens Bitcoin to tulip-mania; Greenspan: “currencies, to be exchangeable, have to be backed by something”; mBTC
0:58:37Producer Segment
1:10:22Some of the Sandy Hook 911 “tapes” released: Touré on “…choosing nawt to air them”; Rachel Maddow: “and it’s a hard job and it is hard to do well”; Al Jazeera won’t play them; custodian Rick Thorne: “I’m on the phone with dispatch”; ACC: “the State Police are standing right next to her!”; Andrea Mitchell: “no survivors in that family”; Christopher Dorner suicide; crotch bomber NSL; JCD: “oh okay, the only truth we’re gonna get is through that microphone; let me get my pen”; Six-Week Cycle predictions
1:44:08Feinstein to Candy Crowley: “there are new bombs, very big bombs, trucks being reinforced for those bombs” (CotD), Mike Rogers: “they’ve now switched to this notion that maybe smaller events are okay”; six-year-old on no-fly list; Feinstein on printer cartridge bomb; Rogers: “Russian intelligence services, Chinese intelligence services”
2:01:34Pierre Omidyar (“Pete O’Meteor”) on PayPal shutdown of WikiLeaks; two slides from FASCIA deck; JCD PC Magazine article on Bezos drone deliveries; Greenwald BuzzFeed leak
2:14:27Donation Segment: Club 33
2:22:30ACC moonlighting on CCTV (Adel EL-Mahoruky)
2:23:32Post-Apocalyptic Technology Survivor Kit, JCD: “now you’re bringing in complications that publishers will not deal with”
2:29:29The Troubles resurface in Northern Ireland
2:33:58NORAD Santa tracking, ACC: “ho-ho-ho-homeland!”
2:40:27Vandenberg Atlas V national security payload launch
2:41:48Amy Goodman speed-reading the credits
2:42:43Clip Blitz: High School USA! Amish sex change; Chang’e probe launch; Chinese envoy in Egypt
2:48:08BBC explains how you can avoid arrest for Tweeting or Facebooking: “simply do not blog, Tweet, or post”, “colour the jury”
2:52:42Paul Walker accident: gas tank behind driver