0:00:18 | Bacon beats Fries in Colorado; slick scripted Obama press conference; Breitbart “Barack Uh-bama”, “Office of the President-elect”, Israel all-in on evil-looking Rahm Emanuel “Rahmbo”, administration full of veteran insiders; change.gov branding; Bill Maher’s post-9/11 comments on cowardice, JCD on Taliban outrages pre-9/11, ACC on protecting opium supply |
0:15:47 | ACC: “I’m in a bad mood”, home with CVC’s breakfast in bed for boyfriend, “and they drank all the orange juice!”, locked out of house with dogs un-fed, JCD: “after they move out, then they start visiting just to take stuff” |
0:21:26 | ACC’s newly-acquired Zimbabwean $100bn banknote, dildo/bong watermark |
0:25:09 | Obama acceptance speech without family, “cult of personality”, Cult of Personality; new EU verb: “to green the economy”; Bloomberg FOIA reveals $1.5T lent to financial institutions, Federal Reserve refuses to admit what it received in return |
0:31:33 | Michael Bloomberg “Berlusconi in New York”, 10% income tax; Gavin Newsom whining about Proposition 8 passing; Bill Maher shows clip of Republicans booing Obama, Kerry concession speech for unmiked audience, ACC on audio engineers and lip sync TV shows |
0:38:08 | Credit card bond market collapse, Horowitz short on Capital One, JCD on paying in cash only, Monopoly game ditches cash for plastic, “paper to plastic” meme, Federal Reserve credit cards; UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith claiming airport ID cards are wildly popular |
0:47:41 | News vacuum on Rwanda & Congo; listeners offended by JCD’s on-air eating, offensive eating habits in attractive women, ACC gripes about JCD’s fork habits, JCD on “waiting period” before informing someone about food on their face, close talkers with bad breath, JCD 15-second timeout, ACC gripe: shouting in ear at concerts |
0:59:50 | Middle Eastern and Mexican overmodulation, call to prayer amplifier competition, ACC’s prized Iraqi mosque alarm clock; iPhone ocarina app, Panasonic 42“ plasma $699 at Costco down from $40k, $599 Gateway laptop, ACC’s Google phone with open-source Android OS, JCD on Android as fractal of computing history; ACC on Word-to-WordPerfect transcoding |
1:13:39 | Ampex calibration, “shader” for studio cameras, Kanye West in white “floating head” at MTV European Music Awards; JCD on WGN open studio, monstrous analog HDTV cameras at CES; bakelite phones and the demise of prank phone calls |
1:21:11 | ACC on resurgence of Afghanistan opium trade; JCD recommends Cocaine Cowboys documentary, bloodthirsty Griselda Blanco; ACC’s family uninterested in Chris Rock; JCD proposes Slingbox setup, ACC’s Sinclair ZX80, C5 electric vehicle debacle, “because I couldn’t find a four-bit” processor, the Curry electronics museum, first cell phone compatible with home handset, “Mobilaphone” 50 Watt four-channel radio, “car phone” |
1:38:14 | Fork technique video competition |