0:00:00 | JCD: “Anyone ever gets caught with a hooker has to shoot himself.” (1:45:53 ) |
0:00:32 | Never buy a harmonica from China; ACC in Ms. Micky flight flight to Gitmo Lowlands, first class passengers seem to be auto-enrolled in TSA Pre✓, credit score now a factor, JCD: “you could have a credit card in dispute, and now be considered an enemy of the State”; Airbnb-style review rankings the future of commerce |
0:10:43 | JCD gripe: myth that porn was responsible for VHS victory over Beta; Sanyo V-Cord |
0:13:17 | Dreadful dollar-euro exchange rate; Sinterklaas and his Black Petes have arrived, one protester, 100% arrested; ACC: “you can’t mess with black people’s hair”; Welsh blackface tradition protected by UNESCO |
0:19:59 | Rationale for No Agenda not accepting Bitcoin donations |
0:30:29 | TrueCrypt backdoor, Swiss bank encryption method removed? Torvalds’ father, Minister in European Parliament, on Linus’ nodding “no” on Linux backdoor question; CIA financial database; Brennan’s Benghazi NDAs, attackers had inside information on the compound |
0:37:59 | Producer Segment: noagendaplayer.com |
0:46:57 | Deutche Welle on Chinese labor camps closing, ACC: “they have FEMA camps in China??” |
0:51:02 | UK spy hearing with GCHQ, MI6, MI5: “global threat”; IRA trash can bombs; Mike Rogers: al-Qaeda bigger threat than before 9/11, “good paper” meme, al-Suri the “next bin-Laden” |
1:01:35 | 3 million Adobe Cloud emails compromised, ACC’s one of them; worldwide kiddie porn roundup, five years in business, three year investigation, 350 arrests, government turning a blind eye to this and extortionware, which uses Bitcoin |
1:13:34 | Scripts for bombing podcast awards ready two hours before voting ended; JCD on winning top prize, people’s choice at COMDEX chili cook-off, ACC: “you called a modeling agency?”; bots & girls |
1:18:36 | Anderson Pooper on the ground for the super typhoon; $20M commitment, U.S.S. George Washington; Haiti debacle |
1:23:20 | What ACC’s is seeing in the streets of Gitmo Nation Lowlands: depressed, jobless; Andrew Sullivan’s $700k from blogging; Sunday morning intelligent talk shows all over blogging and self-publishing as a profession; “Tyler’s Bots” |
1:30:07 | Donation Segment: Club 33 |
1:41:41 | Mike in Colorado predicts Wonder Woman movie in support of Hillary in 2016; CIA “sisterhood of the spies”, two-to-the-head sound effects in the clip; Secret Service cleaning up, expect more “suicides”; Red Book: Chris Christie heart attack scare |
1:47:07 | Student’s eloquent explanation of Common Core; number lines, fact families, number sentences; ditching Common Core for home schooling, school spokeshole: “you don’t have to answer that, Ryan, that’s a bit of an aggressive question”, Arne Duncan: “white suburban moms are upset that Common Core shows that their kids just aren’t brilliant”; flipping the classroom, iPads for all; keeping kids out of college; ACC on learning BASIC in school |
2:05:28 | Cody Wilson now working on Bitcoin wallets: “completely independent software stack”, “the Obelisk blockchain software architecture”, “trustless mixing”; LavaBit guy embarrassed over single master key; NA “Darkcast” |
2:13:45 | Clip Blitz: Canadian herbal supplement fraud; breastfeeding in the UK vs US; Brazilian research: salt causes snoring; French trucker protest; Larry Flynt not interested in seeing execution of guy who shot him; High School USA!, “O-M-Jew!” |