Call Clooney!

559 Tech Surge (2013-10-24)

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0:00:00ACC: “Freddie the Firewall says, plug your ports!” (0:59:28)
0:00:33Dutch coffee and tea consumption, sprinkles and rusks
0:04:30CNN on “eventually she had to go through and clean out all the cookies from her caché” (CotD); Sebelius to Sanjay Gupta on “tech surge”, “new eyes and ears”, Presidential Innovation Fellows, Carney introducing Jeff Zients, “working 24/7”, Zients not on LinkedIn, e-mail from Nancy-Ann DeParle who is no longer at White House, ACC: “I think the whole administration is running on one big Perl script”
0:26:43@NatSecWonk Jofi Joseph fired, “when I read these tweets, I thought I was reading the tweets of a 15-year-old mean girl!”, “vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett”
0:33:42Emily Dreyfuss feedback shitstorm; @NatSecWonk offline copy in show notes
0:41:03Carney on Merkel spying: “the President assured the Chancellor the US is not monitoring and will not monitor …”; US access to global financial database suspended in “non-binding vote”; Hayden at cyber-conference on “cyber-sins and cyber-sinners”, “weapon comprised of ones and zeros”, Rogers: “Freddie the Firewall PSA is coming to you real soon”
0:59:45Producer Segment: opium and warm orange juice
1:12:52OZMedia, Pando, TechCrunch venture capital funded media companies; Jay Rosen on On the Media on Omidyar; Scahill on Omidyar leak on Jung & Naiv, “journalism-driven website”, “is this a new form of Wikileaks?”; Freedom of the Press Foundation’s SecureDrop based on Aaron Swartz’ DeadDrop
1:37:26Saudi Arabia withdraws from the UN Security Council over handling of Syria, JCD suggests Chinese meddling, military spare parts, White House caught off guard, “secret US drone base in Saudi Arabia”
1:47:20Australian bush fires linked to military exercises, Al Gore: “it reminds me of politicians here in the United States who got a lot of support from the tobacco companies…”; UN climate chief Christiana Figueres: “World Meteorological Organization has not established the direct link between this wildfire and climate change yet”, “what we need to do is put a price on carbon so we don’t have to continue to pay the price of carbon”, “zero net emissions”; Figueres’ husband Karl von Ritter of the World Bank, carbon finance assistance program for Africa; JCD on Union Oil being all-in on peak oil
2:07:04Shale oil advertisement: “energy from shale”; Joe Rogan tweet on California being “fried” by Fukushima radiation; California’s 33% subsidy for renewables; Google “windmill fires”
2:11:48Donation Segment
2:31:45Brunei to adopt Sharia law in six months; Pope suspends “bishop of bling”; Texas 91-0 high school football game bullying complaint
2:36:43Scientific American on serious side effects increasing pharmaceutical sales
2:39:04$38k worker’s compensation for pepper spray cop; Zuckerburg’s $30k per seven minutes
2:40:56Verene Shepherd’s UN letterhead letter on Black Petes to the Dutch President, “throwback to slavery”, “and what is wrong with the one Santa Claus, why you have to have two Santa Clauses?”; slavery compensation
2:50:58Facebook un-bans beheading videos
2:52:37Woman nearly passing out behind Obama from U.C. Berkeley
2:55:03Free University of Brussels to try Ritalin on stutterers
2:55:18For Sunday: Silk Road, kale