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550 Cyber Insurance (2013-09-22)

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0:00:00JCD: (harmonica), “Hit it.”
0:00:35ACC in “nasal” mode; big delays in return flight; Emmys & Hollywood celebrities
0:07:31Kenyan producers’ recent weirdness predictions, Westgate Mall attack, producer reports casualties underreported by government, al-Shabaab claims responsibility, Somalia part of picture, NYT photographer Tyler Hicks conveniently on scene; No Agenda tip: memorize the name of Muhammad’s mother Aminah; deputy president William Ruto ditches International Criminal Court; CNN: “there can be the sense of watching people coming in who don’t fit the profile of usual customers”, slave training “lockdown procedures”, JCD on baseball park security ring; Hicks also in Libya; JCD on Nairobi airport robberies, ACC Libya disappearance story
0:26:46Brilliant “Fragrance of Poverty” artwork; Aric the Shill’s prepper trailer
0:31:26Emmy douchebaggery with special Cory Monteith segment, Jack Klugman ignored; Cher on singing at Olympics: “you can’t cross that line”; JCD meets Daniel Ellsberg at EFF Pioneer Awards, iPhone “journalism tools”, No Agenda tip: “it’s a scam to rip off Hollywood”, Larry Lessig name-drops President
0:45:18National {POW/MIA Recognition Day, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week}
0:45:49Producer Segment: JCD cutie-deterring “I’m a podcaster”
1:07:36US-China “new model of relations” agreement, “win-win cooperation”, Chinese in Kenya, tariff-free importation deals, Chinese cities in Libya; undiscussed dangers of electric cars
1:19:38Issa at Benghazi hearing grilling Mullen on State Department’s sequestered witnesses; Barbara “ride home” Boxer: “the President who caught Osama bin Laden” will get to the bottom of this; Democrats ditch hearing prior to Patricia Smith testimony: “they all lied to me”
1:34:05West Hollywood fur ban, pet owners “guardians”; Berkeley “grimy old bags” and incompetent drivers who don’t know how to make a left turn (JCDPPotD); Urban Shield Alameda County in October, GridEx 2 in November: “the electric grid … is the glass jaw of American industry”; Olympic College active shooter simulation; shouting “gun” in a movie theater, “officers say the whole thing started after a man urinated on a teenager in the back of the theater”; producer note on AT&T’s self-promoting “it can wait” campaign
1:48:04The Weekly Hooker Report: sexualization of young girls, Hailey Clauson Urban Outfitters lawsuit, ten-year-old Thylen Blondeau in Vogue, tweens’ $43bn in disposable income, big pharma depression risk punchline
1:59:40Donation Segment: ACC’s smoking habits vs show quality
2:19:09Team Rubicon veterans’ service group,, Clinton connection
2:24:47Navy shipyard attack: Trazodone, “some are using this issue to talk gun safety but try to stay on the NRA’s good side”, 11.4M Americans with “serious mental health issues”, Red Book: “we really don’t want you around children”, then yellow star
2:29:29Obama on debt ceiling: “I just want to remind people, in case you haven’t been keeping up”, perception of “average person”; new “full faith and credit” meme
2:35:12Gennifer Flowers outs Hillary as bisexual; Thom Hartmann on Citizens United as Hillary hit piece: “a black guy whose middle name was Mohammad”
2:38:42German elections; big money in cyber-insurance; Michigan tailgating shootout
2:42:14ACC’s earworm e-mails; Harvard’s 2018 $6.5bn fundraising goal; driver vs cyclists in New Hampshire; Boston marathon bombing report delayed indefinitely