0:00:00 | JCD: “Turn around, make a U-turn, make a U-turn, make a U-turn!!” (2:42:17 ) |
0:00:33 | JCD “Kosovo protocol”, Eliot Engel on Kosovo-Syria parallel; Marie “dingbat” Harf refuses to analyze “historical event that happened some time ago”, reporter: “all historical events happened some time ago”; Phyllis Bennis: “no one in Washington” claiming“ US is under threat; ”international norms“ meme; red line vs ”change some of our calculations“; convention not signed by Syria; Obama to Newshour on ”possibility in which chemical weapons … could be directed at us“; Peter King on Obama’s authority; Russia gassing theater in Chechnya |
0:14:50 | Obama on “free flow of energy throughout the region”; Joe Biden in 2007: “I would move to impeach” Bush over action in Iran; other Obama obviously in play, Chuck Hagel on “law of international humanitarian standards”, John Kerry’s “despicable” speech, “with our own eyes we have all of us become witnesses”, ACC: “we’ve all see the YouTube videos!”, “additional information”; Marie Harf: “anybody who thinks that this could be manipulated evidence, that these videos could doctored somehow, need to check their conscience” |
0:26:04 | Jay Carney: “not about regime change”, no boots on the ground, reporter: “you mean boots in the air”; CBS News “punishment” meme, ACC: “bristle side down!”; Bennis on “proof” from Israel; Kerry: “I went back and I watched the videos — the videos that anybody can watch in the social media”, “anyone who could claim that an attack of this staggering scale could be contrived or fabricated, needs to check their conscience and their own moral compass” |
0:35:16 | David Cameron: “let me stress to people, this is not about getting involved in a Middle Eastern war”; McCain bangs away on the war drums, ACC on “fossil fuel industrial complex”; Obama NewsHour wrap-up paints Middle East as “ignorant sand bunnies” |
0:44:33 | Today Show on Syrian hackers attacking NYT & Twitter, missile sound effects, “the assault would come at night to reduce the possibility of civilian casualties”, ACC: “we haven’t positioned Anderson Pooper yet … we’ve gotta get Brolf over there!” |
0:48:29 | Vandenberg Delta 4 $1bn top secret spy satellite launch; ACC on Enemy of the State |
0:52:37 | 50-year Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream” anniversary, lame NBC interstitial: “I have a dream that we can learn to listen a little better”, Obama “he’d like that!” of Obamacare, “health security”, “free prevention, free checkups”; Cornel West on Obama apologists on stage at event; JCD recommends Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Casino; FBI wiretapping, 1967 antiwar speech: “there are those who are seeking to equate with disloyalty” |
1:05:47 | Producer Segment: No Agenda: In The Morning! Reddit |
1:21:57 | Cyprus the Syria staging area; The International film explains banking: “the real value of a conflict — the true value — is in the debt that it creates; you control the debt, you control everything”, ACC Red Book: Hungary “cruisin’ for a bruisin’”, Budapest trying to eject IMF, Viktor Orbán and possibility of EU exit; natural gas and Germany’s nuclear shutdown |
1:28:49 | Amy Goodman on “great victory” Vermont Yankee plant closure; Fake-a-shima “level 3” declaration only about wastewater storage tanks, IAEA puzzled by conflicting messages; right wing nuclear hysteria just what the gas producers want; UT Austin grad student paper not vetted or requested by DoD; anti-nuclear Hastings Group; “Radioactive Bluefin Tuna Caught Off California Coast” headline |
1:37:23 | Brookings Institution guy on US banking on Dmitry Medvedev as “new Gorbachev”; painting of Putin in women’s underwear seized |
1:42:26 | Laura Poitras Der Spiegel “I need to talk to you ASAP” article on David Miranda; Anthony Tabatznik member of Jewish Voice for Peace organization allied with Muslim Brotherhood; Cass Sunstein to be on NSA oversight panel |
1:49:45 | Harris County Texas letter from District Attorney: “this letter is to inform you of the law”, unexcused school absences “criminal offense”; iPads for every student at supposedly cash-strapped public schools; producer “they taste so good” response to “save the wolves” petition |
1:54:13 | Janet Napolitano farewell speech: “the well-timed and coordinated emergency response that immediately followed the marathon attack was not accidental”, “I called for the creation and then the expansion of the department’s if you see something, say something campaign” lie, DHS list of partners including “business and faith-based community leaders”, predicts “major cyber-event”, “more weather-related events” |
2:02:03 | Mother Jones “five terrifying statements” from leaked IPCC report, “five to ten meters” sea level rise; BBC links warming slowdown to cool Pacific; “trompe” water-powered compressor |
2:08:51 | And Now Back to Real News: Dr. Phil “if a girl is drunk, is it OK to have sex with her” tweet; no war protests at MTV VMAs; CVC’s Namibia Jungle VIPs fake tribe debacle |
2:20:05 | Donation Segment: ACC bans listening to sped-up show; JCD Redd Foxx digitization |
2:31:29 | Beauty pageant contestant on preference among five senses: “seeing is the best sense that we can ever see because seeing is believing, and believing into what you see is perfect and out of all those senses seeing would really… be wonderful, because… thank you, that will be it” |
2:33:46 | Push to get rest of the world on Facebook, Zuckerberg on CNN India: “they’re gonna use it do decide what kind of government they want, get access to healthcare for the first time ever”; Opera browser central server compression model; StrongView taken aback by promotions tab; Google Navigator usability in the toilet, U-turn insistence; Sergey Brin getting divorced |
2:43:56 | Upcoming O-bot dinner, bogus brain-to-brain interface story, “too much cleavage” iso |