533 Clip Show II (2013-07-25)

0:00:00 | Intro with kudos to editor Ramsey Cain |
0:01:37 | Drunk or not drunk Pat Leahy (521@0:15:07 ) |
0:03:09 | NPR lisper on “magical tasty” processed foods like mac & cheese (492@1:11:16 ) |
0:07:54 | Beyond the Candelabra (517@0:23:17 ) |
0:09:54 | ARSONomics YouTube producer, NBN Lebanon TV producer’s first question: “are you the same Adam Curry as the MTV guy?” (418@0:33:14 ) |
0:12:41 | Benjamin Fulford and Chōdōin Daikaku on ninja Illuminati army (396@1:29:10 ) |
0:18:45 | Feinstein apologizes after forgetting to call Blumenthal (492@2:58:17 ) |
0:21:31 | Austin Moonlight Towers, Servant Girl Annihilator serial killer (484@0:10:34 ) |
0:25:47 | Pet food stamps, cat food mac & cheese with marjoram (492@1:15:57 ) |
0:31:47 | Julia Gillard dodges flying sandwich (517@2:08:16 ) |
0:33:04 | PBS runs David Koch hit piece documentary (516@2:06:01 ) |
0:35:43 | JCD’s Gulf of Tonkin printouts (517@0:01:57 ) |
0:40:09 | “If you’re one of over 50 million adults who suffer from a sore mouth…” (484@2:45:58 ) |
0:40:35 | Black market “oryx burgers” update (418@1:35:45 ) |
0:44:46 | ACC’s Super Bowl prediction, 33-minute power outage (485@1:28:25 ) |
0:50:06 | Rod Serling in 1950s interview on self-censorship, Lassie puppies feedback (488@1:35:37 ) |
0:59:26 | Intermission |
1:01:04 | British hookers on sale (522@0:02:56 ) |
1:03:57 | Come Giggle With Me stoned cooking show, JCD Legally Drunk talk show (520@2:38:19 ) |
1:06:40 | America’s Next Top Model “I feel terrible!” (396@1:35:13 ) |
1:07:11 | JCD on abolitionist Cassius Clay’s personal cannon (1@0:09:07 ) |
1:12:28 | Rampant 33 in Chelyabinsk meteor coverage (488@0:24:16 ) |
1:17:32 | Janet Napolitano: “I just don’t use e-mail at all”, JCD: “she doesn’t know how to use a computer at all” |
1:21:17 | Iceland film song You Can’t Say No to a Soldier (20@0:20:00 ) |
1:27:48 | Cymbalta and “may cause death” Celebrex competing for worst-sounding side effects (418@2:05:53 ) |
1:34:43 | Sidecar and technology centralization, JCD: “that sounds like drone talk to me” (516@0:52:22 ) |
1:37:05 | Hollande does a Timbuktu victory lap after “no shots fired” victory (484@2:46:38 ) |
1:41:10 | Erin Burnett steamrollers Harvard law professor when he brings up “violence in our media” (484@1:39:40 ) |
1:46:36 | Al Sharpton drops pledge of allegiance “under God” in MSNBC ad (485@2:34:32 ) |
1:48:21 | ACC’s proposed Dutch bikes in Austin venture (485@3:08:34 ) |
1:52:52 | Outro |