0:00:00 | JCD: “Aw! You can’t do that!” (2:41:45 ) |
0:00:30 | Two arrested by FBI for mobile “death ray” plot to kill Muslims and President Obama, “these men never posed any danger”, everyone they met with “informants or undercover agents” |
0:05:10 | Dvorak’s Law Wikipedia page flagged for removal, “does not appear to be a notable law” |
0:07:57 | Miss USA 2013: Utah on wage gap: “we need to try to figure out how to create education better so that we can solve this problem”, Alabama on on NSA spying: “I would rather someone track my telephone messages and feel safe wherever I go, than feel like they’re encroaching on my privacy”, South Carolina channels Caitlin Upton on whistleblowers: “we have been given specific documents for specific reasons, our lawmakers have put that into their decision for certain reasons, and if we feel the need to have to show those documents, then I think that we should show them”, ACC: “smoke was coming out of her ears, I think”, predictable winner Connecticut on arrestee DNA testing: “I think we should absolutely do so” |
0:21:16 | Mueller on “ten or twelve” Section 215 cases, yaks about Khalid al-Mihdhar to “run down the clock”, stopping 9/11 meme; David Gregory on Americans all-in after 9/11; Keith Alexander to FBI deputy on hot mic: “tell your boss I owe him another friggin’ beer” |
0:28:19 | Charlie Rose playing handler for Obama, DUI checkpoints “may be intrusive”, whining about Syria, “number one responsibility”; Pat Buchanan’s Constitutional Convention idea; Obama on Chinese stealing iPhone plans; “a handful of yokels up in New York” stealing from ATMs |
0:47:52 | Keith Alexander on “allies and industry partners” |
0:49:25 | Producer Segment: NPR call-in mouth-hitting |
1:00:26 | Rose & Obama: NSA “bigger and better than everybody else”, “US person” legal term, Executive Order 12333; Rose & Obama “and have not”, “by law and by rule”, wiretap theater of the mind, “targeting” e-mail, number of FISA requests “surprisingly small”; Keith Alexander on keeping “50 incidents” classified except for two |
1:23:30 | Don Lemon on British G20 spying; Haiku Herman on G8 Syria decisions, “more actors” at G20; riots in Brazil over bus fare increase; Belgian Muslim political party; JCD 80-year cycle; Greek port finally sold at 50% discount, thermal springs for sale, frequency spectrum; global tax avoidance jettisoned from G8 agenda |
1:46:42 | Obama “in the footsteps of Reagan and JFK” at Brandenburg Gate, teleprompter issues |
1:50:46 | Incredulous Erin Burnett on US “murdering?” Snowden |
1:52:58 | NPR’s new $201M 400k square foot facility, “underwriters, gifts, and donations” |
1:55:27 | Donation Segment: ACC Red Book: cut off from PayPal |
2:06:32 | Fast and Furious: five entities from Sinaloa removed from SDN Specially Designated Nationals list; $638bn defense bill passed; $588M defense sale to Libya, $200M to Kuwait |
2:15:53 | Organized 9/11 truthers calling in to C-SPAN; CNN’s Morgan Spurlock all-in on gun control; Piers Moron cuts off Daniel Ellsberg to make time for Paris Hilton |
2:26:22 | Adam’s Gonna Read His E-mail: Avaya switches, call center “fuck fuck fuck!” tip; earworm |
2:29:03 | 33-year-old Michael Hastings killed in car crash, Philippe Reines “fuck off” e-mail exchange, ACC: “this has the Clintons written all over it”, WSJ sock puppet story; McChrystal “leaves the dead dog on your doorstep”; Obama hanging out with journalists; BuzzFeed funding and CNN partnership; Hastings agitated about Obama’s militarism, “knocking back a Sam Adams” gay code; wrangling with Perry Bacon; ACC “kill an actor too” theory |
2:53:01 | Erin Burnett “was” for “were”; Russia-China deal; Pandora’s Promise |