0:00:00 | ACC: “That should be their slogan: Microsoft, it’s finger-friendly.” (1:10:02 ) |
0:00:33 | Horrible IRS hearing in a nutshell: “you’re sure you’re being square with us?”, “excuse me?”; Republican set-up theory at O-bot dinner; MSNBC: “why didn’t Romney make more of a big deal of it?”; Lois Lerner: “I have not done anything wrong”, takes the Fifth; IG J. Russell George dated Michelle Obama; Douglas Shulman: no application process for 501(c)(4) |
0:16:29 | Haiku Herman on tax avoidance; Nigel Farage on 12% tax rate for MEPs making over £100k, “the grave mortal danger of olive oil in dipping bowls has been removed by the officials!” |
0:22:00 | Professor Russ surprised by Richter scale replacement; New York Times editorial by Boing Boing science editor on Boston bombing conspiracy theories, psychology professor Viren Swami: “the best predictor of belief in a conspiracy theory is belief in other conspiracy theories”, overactive amygdala, professor Russ: “load of horse shit”; Wall Street Journal on “insincere behavior” and sarcasm as signs of “brain disease”, insula region; Brad Pitt’s prosopagnosia; “I’m suffering from brain disease” cards |
0:38:39 | New to DSM-5: hoarding disorder and “collectors”, BED binge eating disorder, skin-picking disorder, somatic symptom disorder vs hypochondria, electroshock for internet addiction |
0:45:41 | Producer Segment |
1:00:52 | Bing’s Duane Forrester on “Bingbot’s crawl rate”, extortionist webmaster tools, “all clear” notification; Aric the Shill discovers Chrome pre-bot behavior; Microsoft douchebags promote Bing search app, “full-page experience”, “finger-friendly”, “boom, look at that!” |
1:10:25 | Operation Fast and Furious: Sinaloa cartel’s drug monopoly in US, Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla immunity deal; identical scenario in Sons of Anarchy; Fast & Furious 6 Google wash; House panel report: result “regarded with giddy optimism by ATF supervisors” |
1:24:51 | Journalist Alexa O’Brien camped out at Bradley Manning trial, “wanton publishing” charge, WikiLeaks vs authorized leaks “to sell war or a particular political agenda of the elites” (CotD); unreleased Garani Afghanistan bombing video, Rumsfeld’s Abu Ghraib “worse to come” |
1:35:59 | JCD “can you turn off the fan, please” alternative podcast intro clip |
1:36:37 | Donation Segment: Click, Print, Gun produced by Jim Czarnecki |
1:54:54 | Molly Wood’s birthday, gadget-destroying Always On show; ACC under onslaught of live oak pollen, JCD on oak for smoking meat, “I have an oak tree that I’ve been eating” |
1:59:16 | Elite FBI counterterrorism agents involved in Boston bombing killed in rappelling accident; Tsarnaev friend Ibragim Todashev killed by FBI in Orlando, “attacked an FBI agent with a knife”; Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s fiberglass boat inscription; feeling for beheaded London knife victim’s pulse; Obama speech and upcoming Six-Week Cycle |
2:06:56 | Brolf frightens Moore tornado survivor’s three-year-old, ACC triggered by teaching kids to high-five, “do you thank the Lord?” to atheist; Carl Bernstein on Iraq War thanks to “Jewish NeoCons”; water.org Matt Damon toilet strike, “meeting of the Illuminati” |
2:16:41 | Court rules against release of bin Laden photos because they may “reveal intelligence methods” |
2:18:48 | New federal sexual harassment definitions featuring “unwelcome”; do’s & don’ts for DoJ managers, “every manager ought to be a vocal advocate for the LGBT cause” |
2:25:19 | BBC: lower short-term global temperature rise predicted; 1975 Newsweek piece on “the cooling world”, “were coming out of a little ice age”; Climate Reality Project The Price of Carbon video: “its time to have the carbon conversation” |
2:32:39 | ACC Red Book: Obama press conference “the day that the police state was finalized” |