0:00:00 | JCD: “‘Cause if you think there’s a problem, you cap.” (1:02:18 ) |
0:00:33 | JCD watching Shannon Bream tweets on Kermit Gosnell infanticide trial |
0:01:59 | National {Mental Health Awareness, Foster Care, Physical & Sports, Asian-American & Pacific Islander Heritage, Jewish-American Heritage, Building Safety, Older Americans} Month |
0:04:52 | Dinner With the O-bots, ACC: “we concluded that we are probably their wacky friends”; boeuf bourguignon “double-dip recession slave stew”; heads whip around at mention of gun ownership; Sarah Palin misogyny; Laurie the transhumanist and Google Glass |
0:21:07 | Alex Jones used to marginalize conspiracy theorists; Chuck Todd: Obama “hates” internet media, Ryan Grim to Martin Bashir: “a lot of them don’t trust the government either — Waco and Ruby Ridge”, Bashir to author: “this is about peddling books and advertising their brand, isn’t it?”, Steve Jobs got Glenn Beck fired; Salon: Alex Jones “conspiracy entrepreneur” |
0:32:22 | Scientific American conspiracy theory piece brings it around to climate change, by Sander van der Linden of Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, director Anthony Leiserowitz to Bill Moyers: “it’s really quite simple: it’s real”, body temperature analogy, ACC: “the earth is slipping into a coma!”, the “doubtfuls” & the “dismissives”, “many are what we would lovingly call conspiracy theorists”, JCD takes “Global Warming’s Six Americas” quiz |
0:57:48 | House Concurrent Resolution 29: climate change will force women into prostitution and give them HIV; cap and trade for acid rain, critical to put in place before mini ice age |
1:05:10 | Range Rover Make a Wish Foundation donation tweet’s odd “more debt for the poor” response |
1:08:48 | Producer Segment: hilarious barber shop Boston bombing narrative |
1:23:04 | JCD’s Frankie Avalon DeDe Dinah earworm, ACC’s Hot Pockets Tour earworms |
1:26:12 | Boston carjackee “Danny” silhouette & vocoder interview, ACC: “pop the trunk … I gotta load some bombs in your car”, “Manhattan” in Russian conversation; 32 bullet holes in Mercedes |
1:39:14 | Anderson Pooper on Jason Collins coming out: “the tide of history is moving forward” |
1:41:33 | Three Dzhokhar Tsarnaev friends arrested, FBI’s Tim Clemente on Tamerlan’s wife: “we certainly have ways … to find out exactly what was said in that conversation”; Burnett all-in on ubiquitous surveillance; Amanpour Eric Schmidt interview, coauthor “Director of Google Ideas”, “future terrorists are going to have to opt in to technology if they wanna be relevant” |
2:00:00 | Obama’s new lexical item “extremist activity”, danger of self-radicalization from pressure on “al-Qaeda core”, “more difficult to prevent”, ACC: “my dinner party friends will have me arrested”, JCD: “it’s for your own good”; Ms. Micky’s “anger management issues” comment |
2:07:21 | Adam’s Gonna Read His E-mail: Buzzfeed sniping talent; The Morning Stream train wreck |
2:14:41 | Donation Segment: Kentucky Derby betting tips; bogus Sirius documentary |
2:31:46 | “Friendly tension” between France & Germany, socialist criticism for Merkel, “insolence from the French socialists”; Nigel Farage compilation from Sovereign Man conference: Slovenia up next, “in the modern-day pantheon of idiots that are running countries around the world, I think M. Hollande is absolutely the number one”, “hate tax”, Ode to Joy anthem |
2:38:57 | JCD on revenue splits with bloggers, advertisers switching back to TV, Federated Media layoffs; 75% French small business taxes; ACC’s French meat guy: “you lose points with me” |
2:47:48 | New FCC chairman vs Obama “you will not be able to work on matters you lobbied on” for former lobbyists; Feinstein’s husband and Perini-Zachary-Parsons $985 high-speed rail deal |
2:52:36 | Adminstration denies security clearance to silence Benghazi witnesses, Victoria Toensing, Obama pleads ignorance, Carney: “Benghazi happened a long time ago”; Eleanor Clift EoS |