0:00:00 | JCD: “Gotta reunite these countries, put the Disneyland in there, and just go have some fun.” |
0:00:35 | Huma & Anthony on New York Times Magazine cover, hagiographer Jonathan Van Meter; Hillary: US “not even in the top ten” of Economist Glass Ceiling Index |
0:07:54 | Chelsea moderates female tech entrepreneur panel, Girls Who Code promo, ACC: “they have a brain trust, John!”, AT&T sponsorship, JCD: “run for the exits” at Chelsea’s mention of “mobility”, X10 home automation for JCD’s mother; ACC predicts Chelsea TED talk |
0:17:51 | AT&T shill: “think of the life that goes on in your home and your car”, “turning on the lights for your kids”, “life spaces”, mood-sensing “call management platform”, ACC: “it’s called an answering machine!”; commercial arm In Good Company at same address; “girls of color”; JCD on “code monkey” assembly line workers; ACC on Austin Google fiber and venture capital |
0:35:31 | Producer Segment |
0:46:38 | Drunk or not drunk Diane Sawyer: “staggering increase in people just getting by”; Social Security transition to CPI, Obama campaign promise: “let me be clear, I will not do either”; Melissa Harris-Perry: successful people should “earn a little more” |
0:53:11 | US tax day: Obama income down 20%, $150k in donations to 33 charities |
0:54:30 | ACC birthday party breakdown: nice asleep people, wide-awake people, and the mass of zombies; “yellowest liberal in the universe” Silicon Valley woman “automatic guns” and AR-15 discussion, “you condescending prick!”, JCD: “so she’s a lesbian looking for trouble” |
1:02:44 | War on Crazy: Carney on “sensible common sense” legislation, Pastor Rick Warren’s son commits suicide; al-Qaeda “spokesman” Adam Gadahn; Bill Maher: “the Second Amendment is bullshit” (CotD); Joe Biden to Morning Joe: AR-15s “like driving a Ferrari” |
1:11:12 | Glee school shooting, Sandy Hook “what happened on twelve fourteen” meme; Obama address taken over by DNC-connected Sandy Hook guest stars, SAG members, “end of a gun” meme, “the boy who would never come home” movie title, “common sense gun responsibility reforms”; Eleanor Clift predicts gun culture transformation; ACC on Photoshop’s ubiquity in media |
1:28:58 | Slate: 46% Americans have DSM-IV diagnosable illness; DSM-5 subdivisions; Colorado gun bills by Bloomberg’s outfit, American Institute of Justice study: no impact from 1994 AWB; Holder’s “brainwash people”; Dave Kopel: effort “to divide suburban women from the Republican party”, Chuck Todd on gun control “gender gap”; Colorado $20 temporary transfers |
1:46:46 | Donation Segment: JCD may bring up home automation on TWiT |
1:54:42 | ACC does DIY Giant Voice System readings, “attention, attention, 9/11 was an inside job” |
1:58:20 | Producer: media staging events in South Korea; Kerry headed to Tokyo; Brolf prompts Ban Ki-moon to speak to Kim Jong-un in Korean, “they’re watching you right now in Pyongyang on CNN International”; John Forbes Kerry: “North Korea will not be accepted as a nuclear power”; Navy X-band mobile radar “golf ball”, HAARP, Pyongyang and Orlando |
2:08:27 | JCD on propagating fruit trees, PBS on “cloning” Washington’s cherry trees |
2:11:58 | Arthur Laffer: Buffet “master of tax circumvention”, JCD: “wealth tax!”; Bitcoin on CNBC ticker, Larry Kudlow: “Bitcoins should be linked to gold”, NYT: Winklevoss twins investing |
2:19:59 | Gina McCarthy on climate change at confirmation hearing, Bernie Sanders vs Inhofe; Joe Barton on Keystone pipeline: great flood evidence of climate change; Michael Crichton on ugly State of Fear reaction; ACC reads nasty e-mail; racist Confederate flag |
2:38:37 | Tommy Vietor: Obama “cares deeply about limiting civilian casualties”; Michele Bachmann grills Brennan about drone strikes before Benghazi; Margaret Thatcher Pedobear funeral |