0:00:00 | (Gitmo Nation National Anthem and jingles) JCD: “Hit it!” |
0:01:49 | Time for a big natural disaster; Six-Week Cycle timing questions; Bitcoin at $94 |
0:04:52 | BBC on “biggest cyberattack in history” pitting CyberBunker against “Spam Horse”, “it’s using a machine gun, mowing down a whole crowd”, “the internet version of using a nucular bomb”; Spamhaus protection racket, CloudFlare unable to mitigate; CyberBunker hosting WikiLeaks; JCD column brings the spooks out of the woodwork; ACC’s Mac Mini server |
0:26:45 | Defense of Marriage Act taken up by SCotUS, signed into law by Clinton; Piers Moron goes off Sandy Hook script, Alexandra Pelosi: “there’s something really sick and disgusting about this country”; laughs for Kagan’s “not a lot of children”; SCotUS rules on lying drug dogs |
0:39:56 | Morning Joe legal expert on DoMA “legal technicality” of states’ rights |
0:41:20 | ACC admits the millennial line-cutting phenomenon exists in Texas |
0:41:52 | Producer Segment: JCD talks up ham radio to Roku CEO; “guardians of reality” |
1:04:31 | Spamradio; JCD adds rimshots to new crazy hoarders show |
1:08:18 | CNN medical expert Wendy Walsh on Viagra for women: “just load the dishwasher, okay” |
1:13:01 | Jim Carrey Funny or Die anti-gun Hee Haw parody |
1:15:40 | Protests in Cyprus; “pension funds will be among the assets confiscated and transferred to Europe”, President: “brace for deep pain”, “no bank account anywhere in the Eurozone is safe”; Jeroen Dijsselbloem on “ambitious measures”, privatization, Turkey nixing foreign deals with Cyprus because of Leviathan field; €300 per day withdrawal limit; ESM European Stability Mechanism “strong restructuring plan”; JCD on leveraged buyouts, “they’re making the Cypriots … pay for their own takeover”; Spain & Portugal next |
1:31:24 | Boris Berezovsky two-to-the-head, “it … appears very clear now that he did, or he was, hanged” |
1:35:06 | Musings on Clinton-Panetta ticket; Napolitano on trusted traveler and global entry “risk-based approach”; Dana Milbank shocked by “number of F-bombs being dropped by this White House”; Valerie Jarrett’s “payback time” and Michelle Bachmann’s campaign fund woes |
1:45:05 | JCD testimony tip: say “I’m not sure I understand the question”; Jay Carney’s slippery response to Syria question, “nonlethal assistance”; UK CONTEST counterterrorism strategy on foreign fighters from European in Syria returning to “carry out attacks using the skills they have developed overseas”; Syrian opposition coalition chooses Texan for prime minister |
1:50:55 | Donation Segment: JCD: “we’re both guests on a show produced by the listeners” |
2:01:27 | Anderson Pooper swims with the crocodiles on 60 Minutes to general mockery |
2:05:13 | North Korea stories linked to Olympus Has Fallen movie, Lauer’s accidental deconstruction |
2:07:08 | JCD pleads guilty to Larry David “chat and cut”, JCD story on airport line-cutting; how to merge at a traffic split in California |
2:20:23 | Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Twitter account; MIA Olympus Has Fallen interview |
2:24:06 | Mashable hipster video: “consider hitting up the Bitcoin ATM” |
2:26:12 | Matt Lauer to Gerard Butler: “you have arranged … to have the North Koreans make all kinds of strange gestures”; Anderson Pooper to replace Lauer |
2:29:11 | Erin Burnett on government surveillance: “a drone can already see what you’re writing”; the war on the Postal Service, “physical spam” (JCDPPotD); ACC’s QRP rig sent by mail |
2:39:07 | Budget’s Farmer Assurance Provision courtesy of Monsanto |
2:43:42 | UK cold weather magic numbers; jet stream and global warming; Madagascar locust plague |
2:47:50 | Khloé Kardashian: “I’m excited to be amazing”; NCIS L.A. “aid and comfort” (CotD) |