0:00:00 | JCD: “Personally I think Bitcoin is the Beanie Babies of currency.” (1:55:02 ) |
0:00:36 | “Gif” pronunciation debate |
0:01:56 | Obama’s lackluster “heil everybody”, new top priority: “reignite the true engine of America’s economic growth”, 250k new jobs, ACC: “ShadowStats could not be diverging further”, “decent living”, “the last thing we should do is allow Washington politics get in the way” |
0:07:54 | Producer Segment: hung-over Kara Swisher doing CNN interview at SxSW; ACC’s V4V presentation up against Elon Musk keynote, heckled by Dame Francine |
0:19:13 | Previous show’s issues revisited, note-reading now optional for non-executives |
0:31:43 | Producer Segment.5; another TSA shoulder injury success; ACC’s new USPS producer |
0:47:49 | “No more peeing, please” for bar patrons in New York City’s Gramercy neighborhood, “diarrhear”, “they do defecate, yes, in our front yard”; more jury deliberation in NYPD cannibal cop Gilberto Valle case; lifetime NYC subway bans for “perverts and iPhone thieves” |
0:54:12 | Ronald Reagan Jr. to Chris Matthews on droning al-Awlaki: “that is a tough one”; McCain on droning “Hanoi” Jane Fonda at a cafe: “we want to capture people, we don’t want to kill them”, Constitutional basis of treason: “aid & comfort”, United 93 style shootdown example, “there may be innocent Americans on that plane”, “my highest priority is not my concern that they may kill an American with a Hellfire missile in a cafe in the United States of America” |
1:08:25 | JCD Sunday Times Report; Bill Press: “no freakin’ way” on trusting a Republican with drones |
1:11:23 | Jersey City cops shoot a knife-wielding “perp” |
1:15:30 | JCD “control center” for media monitoring; ACC’s PrepperSDR; Office Space TPS reports |
1:22:11 | Sober Diane Sawyer introduces North Korea threatening preemptive nuclear attack, Victoria Nuland on “bellicose rhetoric”, “they can take a Toyota pickup truck, put a nuke in the back, and they can park it in any city”; Arab Spring Toyota product placement; ACC Dennis Rodman cancer virus theory, JCD on plane crashes being our style, we didn’t kill Chávez; Chávez NYT interviewer on his 9/11 and moon landing skepticism |
1:34:33 | Moon Express eying $30M in lunar X-Prize money, platinum-group metals |
1:38:30 | Roger Ver’s passionate Bitcoin pitch: “anybody here that’s sick of the government, inflating the money supply to pay to kill people all around the world?”, “the world is going to be a much much much better place because of it” (CotD); ACC on pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, possible fate of creators, dodgy built-in transaction fee, possible rainbow table building exercise; JCD: Beanie Babies |
1:56:26 | Donation Segment: JCD pet peeves “sober since” and “baby bump” |
2:22:27 | ACC’s birthday story with limo and waking up in a mansion, “it took me two days to recover” |
2:26:07 | David Icke: Brown Brothers Harriman “one of the major Illuminati banks”, holiday party with homeless theme, Prescott Bush on board |
2:29:03 | Social psychology study links belief in conspiracy theories with willingness to participate |
2:31:50 | Connecticut proposed bill 374 would subject schoolchildren to behavioral health assessments |
2:33:44 | Undercover agent sneaks fake bomb through security at Newark Airport; Executive Order 11958 for arms export, RAPISCAN mobile units for Iraq, guided missile launchers for Australia |
2:40:39 | Dianne Feinstein: “it’s legal to hunt humans with fifteen-round, thirty-round, even a hundred and fifty-round magazines”; Feinstein almost calls Brennan “Mister Drone”; Brennan takes oath of office on draft copy of Constitution lacking Bill of Rights |
2:43:19 | Giant rats in Tehran, JCD: “they might be good eating for all you know” |