0:00:00 | ACC: “I’m sure you haven’t read this so I shall…” JCD: “Oh brother!” |
0:00:33 | ACC at Travis Heights Hideout, new setup minus ground loop; low HF QRM; neighbors with chickens; archivist’s garage; ACC SxSW They Might be Giants interview for platinum passes |
0:09:18 | CBS Ministry of Truth propaganda: “multiple sources in law enforcement” say Adam Lanza was in competition with Anders Breivik, shots fired at police, “trove of violent video games”, “private gaming room” in basement; criminologists to Brolf: “where else could he go” but to the school, “records are made to be broken”, Breivik inspired by Ted Kaczynski, ACC: “bullcrap!”, Columbine as inspiration worldwide, “causal factor for Adam Lanza was probably … he was bullied severely, brutally bullied”; Hollywood video game hate; Piers Moron: “it’s a cocktail of things”; Frontline voiceover |
0:28:19 | Joe O’Biden at parents.com hangout: “buy a shotgun!”, “no one’s gonna come and take my gun”, “the idea you should have no law unless the law you have prevents all violations of that law”, “moral disapprobation of society”; proposed Washington police inspection law, JCD: “we always buy our guns off the streets from black guys”; National Institute Justice to study biometrics and RFID; New York liability insurance proposal; R.A.D. Rape Aggression Defense in Colorado, ACC: “just say, stand back or I’ll pee” |
0:42:26 | Producer Segment |
0:46:52 | Reverend Manning goes off on Pope’s middle-of-the-night resignation e-mail, kidnapping theory; Vatican Bank; Father Roderick Vonhögen the podcasting priest; Ratzinger and the Hitler Youth; ACC’s scientologist friends, “let me be clear”; Manning radio jingles, heading to Hawaii to investigate; 2009 visit from CIA, DHS, and police, assassination plot |
1:03:08 | Male prostitute Larry Sinclair relates Obama sex & cocaine episode, “I mentioned I could use a line or two to wake up”; Obama Palm Springs weekend with Reggie Love, Tiger Woods: “amazing touch and pretty good stick” |
1:08:52 | Gen. Allen to retire instead of run NATO, dodging Benghazi confirmation hearings, stand down order from Brennan, CIA vs DIA; McCain on plethora of Benghazi questions; military angry at administration; “asymmetric warfare” |
1:22:21 | Trouble with China; Pentagon whining about sequestration, “dire consequences” montage (CotD); Popular Science recommends Newman’s Own cat food for human consumption, eating baseballs; spokeshole Carney reminded that sequestration originated with White House, “I know you’re filling in”, “this is complicated budget-speak”; Chris Matthews: we are using Cold War destabilization tactics on ourselves |
1:33:07 | JCD on gold and the 1857 depression, 70 and 80 year cycles; JCD’s vinegar book |
1:40:41 | Donation Segment: ACC’s ideas for trimming the second segment |
2:24:41 | Calvin Coolidge left White House with lower budget |
2:26:22 | New York Times hires & fires Mandiant Intelligence after breach, APT1 report on Chinese PLA Unit 61398, Google Earth photos, HTRAN, “UglyGorilla”, “DOTA”, “SuperHard” personas |
2:40:04 | White House blog on countering online radicalization, “violent sovereign citizens”, “messages of violence and division”, sovereign citizen “anti-government extremists” explained: “many sovereign citizens don’t pay their taxes”; French bank to recognize Bitcoin |
2:46:33 | Nigel Farage on coming influx of Bulgarians and Romanians, ACC: “I think the island of England will sink”; mtgox.com “trade with confidence”; Google Glass: a guaranteed success |
2:53:25 | DHS contract for “no more hesitation” targets with children and pregnant women |