0:00:00 | JCD: “Shut up already, it’s soulless!” (2:07:25 ) |
0:00:32 | NYU professor explains Mali to Colbert: “tons of oil offshore”, ACC’s secret contact, DoD’s Central Security Service and NSA, Algerian uranium & Chinese nukes; Quantico-trained Mali coup leader Amadou Sanogo, Belgium sending support, Laurent Louis exposes conspiracy |
0:21:18 | Ms. Micky’s “atypical” pap smear nightmare, colposcopy/LEEP video, JCD: “what do I have to do to put you into this car today?”, “cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion”, douchebag doctor, “your provider” meme, referral kickbacks; JCD “you slaves can get used to Mac & Cheese” jingle |
0:41:45 | Producer Segment: noagendacd.com , JCD on free CDs at Korean store |
0:51:10 | International Red Cross president Yves Daccord to BBC on non-political motivations behind Arab Spring and other violence, possibility of taking place in Europe |
0:53:29 | McCain all-in on women in combat, JCD: Clinton started it, tricky Soledad O’Brien trots out racist blacks in military quote, ACC: “they just need warm bodies to occupy some seats” |
0:58:13 | EU High-Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism composed of professors and blogger Ben Hammersley releases report A Free and Pluralistic Media to Sustain European Democracy, recommendations: “media literacy should be taught in schools”, “Europe‐wide awards should be made available for talented journalists”, JCD: “pluralism is going to become the new multiculturalism”, “independent media councils” with enforcement powers including “removal of journalistic status”, ACC: “this is your state-controlled media”, BBC model |
1:19:00 | Tina Turner’s “shocking decision to trade in her US passport” for Swiss citizenship, Ron Popeil “anywhere but America” piece tacked on, JCD on “selling nothing but junk” irony |
1:24:21 | Underreported riots in Cairo near Tahrir Square, riots over soccer melee death sentences |
1:27:14 | JCD on diesel electric train documentary, “total control over production quality” vs Boeing |
1:31:03 | Obama podcast: “heil everybody”, “we’ve taken steps to end taxpayer-funded bailouts”, nominations of Mary Jo White to SEC and Richard Cordray to CFPB, White’s diminutive stature, fly buzzing around, Wall Street insider Debevoise & Plimpton litigation department tenure, Obama: “as President, my top priority is simple: to do everything in my power to fight for middle-class families, and give every American the tools they need to reach the middle class”, “menace of gun violence”, ACC: “I think gun violence just got a downgrade”, JCD: “Dennis the Terrorist!”, “I’m hhhonored, and humbled, to continue to serve as your President” |
1:45:13 | Donation Segment: JCD’s Learn Dutch gift; ACC’s single remaining radio antenna |
2:13:25 | Second Half of Show: DSM-5 being finalized, Parental Alienation Disorder PAD to be left out; increase in ADHD diagnoses, especially among minorities; alcoholism “vaccine” |
2:19:08 | Congressional testimony in Joris Demmink Pedobear case; neocon Daily Caller on Bob Menendez underage prostitution scandal |
2:26:17 | Compton being taken over by Latino drug gangs, ACC: “we need a good old-fashioned riot”; Jerry “moonbeam” Brown State of the State on high-speed rail: “yes it’s bold, but so is everything about California”, The Little Engine that Could, breaking ground after 30 years, proposed Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta tunnel, ACC: “now I understand: he’s gone loony!” |
2:35:40 | New York City’s Terahertz Image Detection gun scanners; Black Hawk helicopters shooting machine gun blanks in downtown Miami in joint exercise, JCD: “what movie are they filming?” |
2:39:31 | ACC introduces end-of-show clip of Iceland’s president at Davos explaining the advantages of letting banks fail |