0:00:00 | JCD: “It’s time to invest in you know what… cat food.” (2:32:49 ) |
0:00:34 | Obama on gun memoranda: “there will be pundits and politicians and special-interest lobbyists publicly warning of an tyrannical all-out assault on liberty… not because that’s true” |
0:03:10 | Inauguration “the office of President of the United St…” flub, ACC: “that’s a do-over”, ignored by media; Al Roker “Mr. President! How’s it goin’?”, JCD: “is he trying to get his underwear back?”, Brolf yelling halfheartedly, ACC: “clearly Wolf is stoned”; ACC’s dinner with “massive Obamabots” shaking in fear of assassination; James Taylor concert |
0:12:23 | Breaking news: Beyonce lip sync scandal, Brolf: “what are you learning?”, ACC: “oh, big surprise, there was something fake on television”; Rachel Maddow inaugural lunch menu rundown, Michelle “shoveling”; oath sworn on Martin Luther King’s bible, National Day of Hope and Resolve, King “drum major instinct” speech, “drum major for justice, peace and righteousness” quote to be scrubbed from memorial, Cornel West: “you don’t use his prophetic fire for a moment of presidential pageantry”; corporate donors bussed in, haywire tele-screen |
0:36:51 | Two Broke Girls on “super gonorrhea”, New York Magazine: “here to ruin blow jobs forever” |
0:40:54 | Producer Segment: slavescanner.com ; ACC’s gift Merck Index |
0:53:28 | Blood type diet revisited, Eat Right for Your Type book, JCD: “it’s bullcrap!” |
1:00:58 | Gwen Ifill “Secretary of Clinton” flub, Jay Carney: “President Clinton”; scripted Benghazi hearing; Hillary on “assets” in Africa: “we’re only building that up”, Dirty Wars writer Jeremy Scahill on AFRICOM carte blanche, “hellscape that has been built by a decade of covert war”; Mali uranium theory debunked by Sir Atomic Rod; Hillary on support for France in Mali, caves à la James Bond, “bolster democracy”, ass-kissing democrat Representatives, JCD: “nobody ever mentions this”, ACC: “that she’s from Hell?” |
1:18:56 | Rand Paul asks Hillary about weapons for Turkey, Hillary: “to Turkey?”; Hillary’s fogged glasses for stroke, lizard-like drinking; Hillary “what difference at this point does it make” blow-up, throwing CIA under the bus, “intelligence product”, “I did not say … that it was about the video for Libya” lie vs “ rage and violence … over an awful internet video”, “nothing could be further from the truth” |
1:36:26 | “Flag-draped caskets” choke-up vs father’s “she did not appear to be one bit sincere at all”; Diane Sawyer: “it was a valedictory that showed her indignation and emotion”, Nartha Raddatz: she “came to the hill ready for a fight” |
1:41:30 | Donation Segment: ACC’s run-down mansion a no-go; $69.69 grocery bill story |
2:05:37 | Dwight Yoakam to sick Piers Moron: “don’t ever take a flu shot again”; idfchicks.curry.com |
2:10:04 | Sean Smith’s mother: “the things that they are telling me are just outright lies”; Amy Goodman gushes over dancing Obamas, drone war as alternative to Gitmo; Jimmy Carter on rising tension with China; NewsHour: intelligence committee can’t even get ahold of drone document |
2:18:02 | “Brouhaha” over Pat Robertson’s “awful-looking women” comment, crazed MSNBC cackle; Star Jones on BBC Prince Harry interview: “why do you need to antagonize the Taliban?” |
2:25:29 | Lanza “four pistols” update; three drills in week before Lone Star College shooting; fake CNN Sandy Hook aerial footage |
2:30:40 | BBC on North Korea nuclear test for “arch enemy” US |
2:32:14 | 1.1M Dutch pensions to be cut; “Dutch sandwich” tax shelter for tech companies |
2:36:34 | Seven dead in Yemen drone strike; Pedobear journalist Leah McGrath Goodman’s visa |
2:38:46 | JCD’s Louie Louie covers; Family Guy Surfer Bird; MacFarlane’s Tourette “jijjit” |