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470 Civil Society (2012-12-16)

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0:00:00ACC: “This is not the kind of world I want us to be in!” (0:37:35)
0:00:33Day ten in ACC’s Amsterdam exile, Dutch Christmas tree with “bagels”, tabloids
0:04:09ACC: Newtown “how’s that gun stuff working out in America for you, huh?”, Clinton’s gun-free schools law, Portland mall concealed carrier story “dropped like a hot potato”; Piers Moron: “I’m so furious”, Jerry Nadler: NRA “function as enablers of mass murder”; Obama slips War Powers Resolution letter to Congress; Adam Lanza’s Asperger’s, prepper mother, reports of additional shooter(s); Clint van Zandt: “Congressperson Gabby”, “dark clothing, dark boots” like Portland and Aurora, “matricide” meme, 33 children slashed at China school, knife registration; Lise Van Susteren: “we don’t have the legislation that allows people in authority … to do what must be done”, warning signs: “their child is angry, isolated, clearly potentially responding to auditory hallucinations … maybe they’re at a shooting range”; “Sanjay, you study the brain”, Gupta: predisposition; Van Susteren: “try getting them into treatment … they won’t do it”; “just a kid”; angsty teens and “I wish you were dead”;; list of school shootings stopped with gun
0:35:29Obama fake crying, JCD: “well, as somebody who’s probably killed more children with his drones…”; Sandy Hook’s security theater plan new this year; JCD target obfuscation theory; 3-11 rounds (33) per victim, all kills with Bushmaster
0:42:32Hillary’s fainting concussion, no Benghazi testimony, “neurosurgeon” Gupta: “don’t read anything”, “you really want to put the brain to rest for a while”; Chaffetz: no access to twenty evacuees, waiting for State Department report; JCD on Watergate similarity, recommends Family of Secrets; Susan Rice drops out of running
0:55:10Producer Segment: the Ms. Micky green card administrative nightmare
1:09:07Andrea Mitchell: Susan Rice, “a woman, a woman of color, has been forced out of a confirmation process”, JCD: “I can say the same thing about my wife”, angry women “at a very high level”, thrown under the bus by Obama, Kerry “superbly qualified”, “will get this job”
1:16:40Chris Christie’s medical records, people “more cognizant of obesity issues” (CotD)
1:20:27NATO sending two Dutch Patriot missile batteries to Turkey, “leading the way on smart defense”, SCUDs “indiscriminate weapons”; RT: Iran warns of “triggering a world war”
1:25:17FCC rushing to auction TV spectrum, total control by government via internet, ACC missing his HF transceiver, ubiquitous Dutch cable, ACC: ham radio BBS
1:34:57Can a terrorist sign up with Facebook? Psaki: “there are … circumstances where it might be advantageous for accounts to stay open, I’m not going to go any further than that”, ACC in 7k Google+ circles, Mike Elgin making money on Google+, JCD: “Twitter on steroids”
1:41:372007 Bloomberg Robin Hood Foundation story with hedge funds run by board members, Hurricane Sandy benefit concert, pork barrel relief funding stuck in Congress
1:47:54Donation Segment: “Alan Curry and Joe C. Dvorak”
2:07:51Amy Goodman’s Doha “civil society” meme, “enemies of civil society” list
2:20:17Oreo cookies, solar penguin-cam for Antarctica; JCD on Petraeus double tap war crimes
2:23:33Matt Damon: federal taxes fund local firefighters, “I like driving on nice roads”, “you know” ding-fest, “there are rich people in Haiti”; Gerard Depardieu avoiding French taxes in Belgium
2:31:07FDA RFID proposal deadline extended to 2014, JCD: “where’s Curry? apparently he’s fallen into the sewage treatment plant!”
2:33:30Bahrain protests and human rights, Portuguese protests not even covered in Netherlands