0:00:00 | JCD: “I dunno about your flag but I wouldn’t mind seeing your pole.” (1:31:17 ) |
0:00:32 | Mitt Romney’s “five boys” taken out of context from debate as racial attack on Obama by the likes of the not-unintelligent Dave Winer, Ann Romney’s “petulant child” added to the mix |
0:10:50 | Libertarian “waste your vote” meme in circulation; Don Lemon introduces debate between Gary Johnson and Jill Stein that turns out to be a lame Skype call, Johnson’s litany of aims including “abolish the IRS”; Joe Biden lies that he voted against Iraq War; Paul Ryan ignores military power of Congress; Biden predictably botches “one truly sacred obligation as a government”; Ryan and Biden squabble over the “fighting season” in Afghanistan |
0:25:38 | Lawrence O’Donnell mocks debates as “ridiculous memorization tests” and proposes “invisible” staff members on stage; Jay Carney defends Biden’s claim to have known nothing about Benghazi security requests; Ayman al-Zawahiri reading wrong script by pushing video meme |
0:35:30 | Rachel Maddow announces distraction of “breaking news!” of a “shot!” fired at Obama campaign office in Denver; Frank Serpico lurking in Amsterdam, Duck Dynasty meets The View |
0:40:59 | Producer Segment: JCD on Union Oil’s “donate to United Way or else” campaign |
0:47:33 | ACC credits Sir Gene and his pet python with takedown of Russian electronics export ring, JCD on unremarkable trove of militarized memory chips and digital to analog converters; Russia Today stops short of claiming “four Russian citizens” are being waterboarded |
0:55:43 | Current TV tips its hand by noting Walmart “refused to unionize their workers”, astroturf front OUR Walmart founded by UFCW United Food and Commercial Workers union |
1:02:35 | Kofi Annan and Bill Gates plead for leniency in sentencing of Rajat Gupta for insider trading, JCD on furor over Kennebunk hooker scandal, Gupta’s potential “black book” |
1:07:33 | CNN celebrates National Cybersecurity Awareness Month with “cyberwar” coming from Iran; CNBC on Leon Panetta’s “Pearl Harbor type threat”; Panetta at Intrepid Air and Space Museum: Shamoon virus “replaced crucial system files with an image of a burning US flag”, 30,000 infected computers “had to be replaced”, JCD: “that’s bullcrap!”, new RoE “does not mean that Defartment of Depense will monitor citizens’ personal computers”, “pre-9/11 moment” pitch for cybersecurity legislation; JCD’s “Cyberwar? Bring It On!” article |
1:23:49 | Latest draft of EU CleanIT project with provisions for police to “patrol” social media, JCD: “this afternoon I’m gonna be patrolling Facebook if you know what I mean”, links to “terrorist content” to be outlawed, judges and police authorized to take down “radicalizing content” without due process, bonanza for “competent NGOs”, flagging buttons required everywhere, advisory organization to address “terrorist and other content” including “hate speech” |
1:38:49 | AT&T to roll out “six strikes” and remedial copyright school plan in November |
1:40:48 | Donation Segment: ACC gesticulating wildly during knighting ceremony |
2:00:11 | British Columbia looking into criminalizing cyberbullying after suicide of Amanda Todd, media ignoring role of antidepressants, “stop giving your children these drugs!” (ACCPPotD) |
2:05:23 | Bush campaign aide sent to prison in 2001 for handing debate prep video to Gore campaign |
2:07:12 | Joint drills near Okinawa to simulate “retaking of an island occupied by enemy forces”; TEPCO finally admits it screwed up in Fukushima; French “hair up their ass” over disarray in Francophone areas of Africa; JCD’s “clip gone bad” |
2:16:21 | José Manuel Barroso’s “good day” as EU receives Nobel Peace Prize; Nigel Farage “baffled”; Great Prophet World Prize, JCD story: bogus award for Computer Currents, ACC stumbles across CNET pilot tape with JCD; William Hague vs Ushakov Medal for end of show |