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450 LaGarde’s List (2012-10-07)

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0:00:00JCD: “I think it’s a new use for rufies.” (2:14:54)
0:00:32ACC still among the Homeland Security sirens of Washington DC; In the Morning for listeners of WBCQ shortwave on 7.490 MHz, JCD: “helooo Ghana!”; new Healthy Surprise box with “raw pasteurized” almonds, ACC roaming around hotel restaurant in pajamas
0:06:30Producer Segment: ACC’s great-grandmother’s “I’ll just have an apple in my room”
0:14:02iOS 6 and iPhone 5 download DDoS woes, ACC: “it’s a war on podcasting!”
0:18:21CCTV on Chinese highway being built around Nairobi and connecting to Ethiopia, Hillary Clinton warning about “new colonialism”, 91% of Kenyans all-in on China over US, ACC’s “a lot of Chinese there” bonding experience with African cab drivers
0:26:11Wolf Blitzer introduces segment on “sophisticated new scam known as ransomware!”
0:29:48118,000 new jobs massaged into 7.8% unemployment, JCD notes divergence in Shadowstats graphs during Obama’s term; refinery fires as pretext for price gouging, JCD discounts California gas blend excuse; H.R.6566 Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act
0:44:14JCD amused by claims that the Obamas’ marriage was arranged by Rev. Jeremiah Wright; CNN promotes new “fact-based film” from Harvey Weinstein SEAL Team Six
0:50:10ACC’s lunch and National Press Club tour with Deadly Spin author Wendell Potter, screening of Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare film followed by Q&A with Eleanor Holmes Norton and sketchy Center for American Progress affiliate Doctors for America about the Affordable Care Act; This American Life piece features sleazy call from douchebag Norton pestering lobbyist for campaign contribution, ACC: “Goebbels is smiling”
1:06:56Al Gore blames Denver altitude for Obama’s lackluster debate performance, ACC on Air Force One’s cabin pressure of 8,000 feet, ACC: “maybe he’s still smokin’”; Al Sharpton: “last night Mitt Romney did a real job on the truth, but then he got really low, he went after Big Bird!” (CotD); Sharpton struggles to read piece on voter fraud by RNC-linked Strategic Allied Consulting; mush-mouthed James Carville rants about presidential debate: “we gotta do like we said, we gotta think of what the judges think” (CotD)
1:16:49Angela Merkel visiting Greece in spite of Hitler caricatures, rumors of “LaGarde’s list”: 2,000 Greek & German politicians with dirty money in Swiss accounts; Portugal abolishing Republic Day and flying flag upside down; producer note on bogus BBC Spanish rail strike story
1:23:52American Airlines blaming loose seats on gunk from food and spilled drinks; JCD theorizes about single magnetometer-only security checkpoint for insiders
1:29:51Donation Segment: lame government propaganda running on JCD’s Canadian TV stations
1:52:10New study “potentially” links caffeinated coffee to glaucoma; round of applause for SUNY-Albany psychologist Gordon Gallup for his proposal of semen as morning sickness cure
1:55:51BBC’s Jim’ll Fix It host Jimmy Savile exposed as a child molester; Joris Demmink case presented before Helsinki Committee for Human Rights now that he is retiring, JCD reminisces about The Frugal Gourmet Jeff Smith and his “big brown mess” on PBS
2:09:29JCD’s vindicated in prediction that Samsung would benefit from losing Apple lawsuit
2:11:21Walgreen’s flu shot ad; Shanghai banks using fingerprint readers for debit transactions
2:16:59BBC on upcoming anti-drone protest organized by Imran Khan; unarmed drone shot down in Southern Israel; ACC on prospects for industrial sabotage, fake FPSRussia video of drone armed with machine gun; shells being “lobbed” by Syrian rebels across border into Turkey
2:27:54Delaware redefines child abuse to include spanking; China investing in Toledo for end of show