0:00:00 | ACC: “Adam and Micky, broke, which I can’t refute!” (1:51:46 ) |
0:00:39 | Hot Pockets 2009 Tour: Arches National Park “Stargates”, JCD vs Flickr’s interesting take on Creative Commons, LDS White Horse Prophecy and baptism database |
0:16:23 | Producer Segment |
0:20:58 | ACC looking into himself and JCD as a write-in candidates à la Lisa Murkowski |
0:28:28 | Obama’s latest American dream “basic bargain”: “find a job that pays the bills … put away enough to retire with dignity and respect”, small businesses surviving “by hook or by crook”, new manufacturing jobs “the most since the Great Depress… eh, the most since the 1990s” |
0:36:16 | CNN ignores British police outside Ecuadorian embassy, rumors of Iraq WMD whistleblower Andrea Davison avoiding a David Kelly-style two-to-the-head, JCD theory of MI6 asset “Julia Assange”; JCD amused at €190M EuroMillions winners claiming they will not change lifestyles |
0:44:49 | Free Syrian Army claims to have shot down MiG-23 and captured elderly-looking bearded pilot; Leon Panetta: Iran should not be playing current role in Syria “at this moment in time”; Matt Lee grills Victoria Nuland over her oil wealth contrast between Syria and Iraq, ACC predicts Kurdish boots on the ground; proliferation of FSA factions; Turkey irked at being screwed by Assad’s $10bn gas pipeline deal with Iran and Iraq |
1:04:19 | Panetta attributes Afghan “green on blue” violence to self-radicalization: “they use cell phones to tune into various stations that provide incentives for that type of thing”; corny India News report links Pakistani ISI and Haqqani network; Panetta’s predictions “this fighting season” |
1:12:27 | Families of five assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists appealing to International Criminal Court; MSNBC meme-fest in story of collision between oil tanker and USS Porter, “a preventive strike, pre, pre-active strike against Tehran’s nuclear facilities” by Israel, “weeks not months” resurfaces, Israeli Amb. Michael Oren lies “we’re right next door”; Tantawi replaced by former Army War College stooge Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi known for forays into Sinai “Tunnel-land”; UN Human Rights Council’s 102-page report on Syria based on exactly zero evidence |
1:28:03 | And Now Back to Real News: NFL model Condoleezza Rice, Chelsea Clinton in Vogue, Condé Nast Traveler piece on Hillary reveals “she does not sweat”, ACC: “she’s a freakin’ lizard!” |
1:35:34 | Jet skier penetrates JFK Airport’s $100M security by swimming ashore |
1:38:19 | Donation Segment: rainsticks from Sherri Osborne; lapsed PayPal subs (JCDPPotD) |
1:56:34 | JCD proposes on-show weddings, ACC irked by “check this out” e-mails; BBC Radio 1 jettisoning singing jingles; BBC’s Mark Thompson headed to NYT, WOR sold to Clear Channel |
2:06:38 | BBC fantasizes about conditions on Mars 3 billion years ago; ACC traces Moon bases to 1953 |
2:10:23 | Germany investing in Odisha India “slum development”; Mississippi “school to prison pipeline” |
2:12:54 | Australia to boost sales by mandating “collectible” cigarette packs with graphic photos |
2:16:34 | ACC irked by Brian Brushwood on TWiT and ignorance of the war on the Post Office; RICO actions against Bank of America and MERS, JCD fighting BoA with State of Washington |
2:30:21 | ACC predicts bankruptcy for Tesla; Pierre Cardin harasses France 24 hottie Eve Jackson; Joe Biden threatens black audience with slavery; paltry $350M fine for Standard Chartered Bank over Iranian money laundering; anti-TSA petition taken down by White House, CNN downplays racial profiling by Boston TSA; Twitter putting the brakes on trending #WikiLeaks |
2:41:59 | False flag rant from Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine; Aurora mayor: James Holmes a “normal guy” |
2:43:40 | Carlyle Group acquires Getty Images for $3.3bn, Eli Lilly admits to bribing doctors, Google healthmap.org Vaccine Finder Expansion Program to “increase demand!” at pharmacies |