0:00:30 | Early wedding congratulations for ACC; show compiled from Shows 381-384 by Steven Anteau |
0:02:24 | Intro to Show 381 |
0:02:56 | ACC spends three 18-hour days exploring Syria situation in light of pipelines.curry.com , Japan depending on gas due to Fukushima shutdown, Arab Gas Pipeline to Homs Syria and on into Turkey, December 2010 discovery of Leviathan gas field with logical Israel-Cyprus-Greece path, Noble Energy’s Bush-Clinton connection, Lucifer championing Law of the Sea Treaty, Arab Spring kicked off three months after discovery; Greek “Minister of Gas” to Jerusalem Post on buying gas from Israel, Papademos talking to Netanyahu; privatization of Greek ports and ΔΕΠΑ Public Gas Corporation, ACC: “this is corporate warfare” (381@0:33:25 ) |
0:26:50 | Author Patrick Seale on role of Muslim Brotherhood in Syrian opposition and 1982 Hama massacre; Anderson Pooper video from bogus activist “Danny” griping “this child lost his brains”; Assad reminds Barbara Walters the UN has no “evidences”, “who said that the United Nations is a credible institution?”, refuses to discuss Arab League agenda (381@0:57:20 ) |
0:42:20 | Zbigniew Brzezinski all-in on Western expansion into Turkey & Russia; JCD on Turkey as modern secular nation: Istanbul airport “just short of having goats in it”; Jay Carney: Syrian violence “clearly” resulting in hundreds of deaths, “fact!” of regime’s “brutal campaign to slaughter its own people”, dodges questions from Russian reporter “Andrei” (381@1:12:51 ) |
0:54:24 | Seale: Saudi Arabia and Iran need to cooperate in spite of mutual antipathy; increasing incidence of explosions at gas pipelines between Iran and Turkey; rumors of Standard & Poor’s upgrading Greece; #NoGasNoCare , Fukushima earthquake after Leviathan discovery, watching Chinese Far East Energy Corporation (381@1:24:54 ) |
1:04:19 | Intro to Show 382 |
1:04:56 | 25 killed and 170 injured in Aleppo explosion (382@0:05:08 ) |
1:07:10 | Whitney Houston digression; Lucifer Clinton clippity-clops in with Cyprus Foreign Minister to discuss “deepening and broadening” relations; Nabucco-West pipeline dead, undersea power cable plans; Israel LNG contract awarded to Italy, Clinton clippity-clops in with Italian Foreign Minister “who is well-known in Washington”; JCD on California vs “communist” Alaska divvying up oil revenues (382@0:13:24 ) |
1:19:41 | Greek riots over latest bailout package with privatization target of €50bn (382@0:25:55 ) |
1:24:17 | Egyptian gas pipeline attacked ten times in 2011; Wolf Blitzer on Anonymous leaking “shocking” details from “secret e-mails!” about Syrian propaganda for Barbara Walters interview; “key points” and PR plans from UN and ABC News; “CNN presents Nuclear Standoff next Sunday 8:00 Eastern”, JCD on price manipulation to kill alternative energy (382@0:30:31 ) |
1:37:53 | Intro to Show 383 |
1:38:28 | Democracy Now confirms ACC’s pipeline theory (383@0:06:19 ) |
1:40:24 | Black skies over Syria from pipeline explosion but “the government has a different story!”; sketchy journalist Arwa Damon’s connections to Istanbul and Beirut, activists “incredibly well organized”, al-Qaeda “security vacuum” meme; leaked Arab League journalist list, Muslim Brotherhood setting its sights on Tunisia; Netanyahu’s first visit to Cyprus (383@1:07:30 ) |
1:51:01 | Greece “on fire” with second EU bailout on hold; John Ward’s The Slog blog predicting imminent default; Haiku Herman “welcomes” China’s interest in buying Europe; Nigel Farage: “what democracy?” with EU puppet PM Lucas Papademos (383@1:18:10 ) |
2:00:40 | Intro to Show 384 |
2:01:17 | Angelina Jolie’s new film about Balkans war and call for intervention in Syria (384@1:22:23 ) |
2:05:49 | “Piece of crap” children’s show Doodlebops “the clippity-clops?” (384@1:26:56 ) |
2:06:39 | Lucifer Clinton and “High Representative” Ashton on the move, possible two to the head for correspondent Anthony Shadid, Friends of Syria conference and Kosovo (384@1:27:46 ) |
2:11:38 | Leviathan! jingle; natural gas Solar Turbines, Turkey irked at Israel-Cyprus deal (384@1:32:45 ) |
2:14:39 | Thanks to producer Steven Anteau for compilation, “pipeline” now enshrined as indispensable Google search component; post-wedding Hot Pockets 2009 Tour, JMD’s upcoming 18th birthday, JCD: “I think the show is good to go for another few years”, ACC implores JCD to change his Skype icon, “I’m gonna make it the album art!” |