0:00:00 | JCD: “Hey, we got, how many people we got working here … we gotta find something else to do to justify the bullcrap jobs we have!” (1:54:39 ) |
0:00:38 | Ms. Micky to receive a proper Dutch birthday, ACC’s “shut up, slave!” helium quest |
0:06:46 | BBC’s not-so-accurate characterization of LIBOR; fines upon Barclay’s to be given to banks; performative-spewing idiot Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis asserts to BBC that 80k jobs number is a net positive, husband “Honest Sam” Sayyad, Obama “inherited a catastrophe” platitude |
0:19:00 | Trains Good Planes Bad: California passes high-speed rail funding bill, ACC on money-losing Amsterdam-Paris line, JCD’s trip on nausea-inducing Swedish X2 tilting train |
0:24:58 | New Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras sworn in |
0:28:05 | Rev. Manning berates Fox News: “Bill O’Reilly and Obama’s father are both in-heat whores” |
0:32:07 | Producer Segment: “Prime Douche” Julia Gillard |
0:39:43 | UN Human Rights Council propagating new meme “internet freedom”, Ron and Rand Paul “manifesto” The Technology Revolution; HRC resolution The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet and 2009 resolution 12/16 Freedom of Opinion and Expression condemning “incitement to discrimination”, 2011 resolution 66/184 Information and Communications Technologies for Development “Internet Governance Forum” |
0:58:00 | Rev. Manning’s “you are wrong!” rant about the mistake of trusting Tea Party |
1:02:17 | Questions from hot Chinese journalist for Christine Lagarde about US being reduced to borrowing from IMF, “we wouldn’t have enough resources”, “wisdom and sagacity” of US officials |
1:10:51 | And Now Back to Real News: incomprehensible plug for Bollywood film Bol Bachchan |
1:14:00 | New President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto accuses of US of playing “fundamental role” in drug crisis, ACC: “we’re their best customer!”; ACC binge-watching Breaking Bad |
1:19:27 | Donation Segment: JCD’s movie theater duck call |
1:33:44 | Clippity Clop: appointment with Paris hairdresser deferred in favor of Amis du Peuple Syrien, single Syrian defection characterized as a phenomenon seen “every day”, “right side of history” meme, Geneva Comminiqué placing opposition on equal footing with Assad government, Lucifer agitating for “sanctions under Chapter Seven”; Tim Geithner presiding over Friends of the Syrian People meeting; expunged Vogue article about 2011 visit with the Assads by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, hot girl-on-girl action kissing photo |
1:51:03 | New TSA “freeze, freeze, freeze!” drill, JCD gripes about Austin’s previous airport; TSA testing passengers’ drinks in secure airport areas for no adequately explored reason |
1:55:51 | Seven arrested on “suspicion” of terrorist plot, al-Qaeda “suspect” lurking around Olympic park, The Guardian article on dirty bomb screening failures at the UK border by contractor Serco; ban on logos worn by slaves in the stands and on toilets enforced by “branding police”; fake OmniCorp “where human resources meets robotic engineering” ad to promote Robocop |
2:04:00 | Rev. Manning: “Obama will win … and he will be president forever” |
2:06:19 | ACC headed to Amsterdam without a “weed pass”; BBC lies about legal prostitution contributing to criminality, douchebag Deputy Mayor Lodewijk Asscher’s war on red light districts |
2:14:52 | 24 killed by US drones in Waziristan; Leon Panetta at “Peace Institute” agitating for more drone warfare; New York Times article “The Drone Zone” on Holloman AFB training center |
2:19:08 | Pertussis vaccine in US schools, Dutch outbreak in spite of 95% vaccination rate, BBC scare tactics pushing “improved testing” and boosters for adolescents, ACC: “immunize the dog!” |
2:25:33 | Rev. Manning predicts “black people will be on the boat goin’ to Africa by 2014” (CotD) |