Call Clooney!

422 Chaff Hat (2012-07-01)

Show 422 album art
0:00:00JCD: (helium voice)On the grounds that they actually made contact with the remains of an ancient shipwreck while on the lunar surface!” (1:53:16)
0:00:40Happy 145th birthday to Canada; JCD’s dated “cutting room floor” term; We Suck, Wah Wah Wah Wah jingle, Tom Cruise’s 33-year-old ex-wives; Spain vs Italy in EUFA Euro 2012
0:07:21Markets up after Haiku Herman announces ESM bank bailout, “without gaining seniority status” clause for ESFS bonds, Die Welt “Europe Is Coming for Our Money”; Stockton CA declares Chapter 9 bankruptcy; Spanish riot with burning cars and homemade PVC bazooka
0:21:29Power outages in Virginia; “conflicting reports” compilation of CNN and Fox botching Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare: “we need to update our lower third”; Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom rewriting history to benefit CNN; Nancy Pelosi credits Ted Kennedy with passing Obamacare: “I knew that when he left us he would go to heaven and help pass the bill” (CotD)
0:30:52Producer Segment
0:38:49Clippity-Clop: corrupt Kofi Annan placates Russia by allowing elements of Syrian government to remain in place, furious Lucifer: “Assad will still have to go!”; Bush “redirection” strategy, United Nations R2P Responsibility to Protect, John McCain blathers to Middle Eastern Institute about “rape, and torture, and intimidation”; Gazprom irked by $7bn Turkey-Azerbaijan Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline agreement; McCain struggles to answer question about Saudi-backed Syrian rebels; Saudi-Azeri MoU, Gazprom developing subsidiary in Israel
0:53:41Islamist Erdoğan as yet unevicted by military; Fox mocks Mohamed Morsi for proposing new 9/11 investigation: “that doesn’t sound good”, release of “blind sheikh” Omar Abdel-Rahman
1:00:32Recent drone hijacking and GPS spoofing headlines, University of Texas professor Todd E. Humphreys formerly of Cornell University, CUAir autonomous drone program sponsored by military industrial complex, 2012 IEEE autonomous vehicle conferences, Humphreys’ Mormon connection, ACC Red Book: ubiquitous autonomous drones; eight more “militants” droned in Pakistan; drone-shopping Danish government; smiley faces and “guardian angel” branding
1:18:40California bans foie gras with threat of $1,000 fine, JCD: “the foie gras police”; Tokyo farmers using flock of ducks instead of pesticides, “ducks will help till the soil with their webbed feet”
1:23:312011 short film The Gate on dangers of pharmaceuticals from “unregulated online retailers”
1:29:06Donation Segment: ACC proposes anti-drone tinfoil “chaff hat”
1:48:09Persistent vapor trail from meteorite crashing into ocean off Perth, ACC: “chemtrails from space!”; electromagnetic anomalies from mysterious object at bottom of Baltic Sea
1:55:30Fernando Lugo removed from office in Paraguay; DoJ ignoring Eric Holder’s contempt of Congress; Rep. Emanuel Cleaver on Congressional Black Caucus walkout over vote “we believe to have some kind of smail to it”, douchebag Wolf Blitzer detects “code language” for racism; Rep. Darrell Issa quietly places incriminating wiretap application in Congressional Record
2:01:21ACC Red Book: McCain blames Colorado wildfires on al-Qaeda; Show 200.5 re-release and clip show for ACC’s wedding hiatus; Podcast Awards “Best Podcast in the Universe” category
2:11:45UK proposes decryption of Gmail contents; 2010 conviction of Paul Chambers for “I’m blowing the airport sky high” tweet; Twitter shutting down API, ACC teases open-source “something”
2:21:23Australian carbon tax “great big tax on everything” dictated by IMF, douchebag shoe retailer: “businessman small impact, citizen big impact, I think it’s great”
2:25:07“Hookerish” French Minitel teletex service finally dead; ACC: “get off Google” photos of US soldiers walking through seas of Afghan opium poppies