0:00:00 | JCD: “Never peel a hard boiled egg again!” (0:23:49 ) |
0:00:32 | Obama proclaims Father’s Day; Greek bankers chewing their nails waiting for election outcome |
0:02:54 | Rodney King found dead in his swimming pool |
0:04:21 | ABC News rolls out outraged Sam Donaldson and Bill O’Reilly to disparage blogger Neil Munro for interrupting Obama at DREAM Act briefing; DHS memo offering USCIS process regardless of age; Obama lets slip “giving certainty to our farmers and our ranchers” and Feinstein asking DHS to quit deporting her illegals, CIA backing off on White House leaks |
0:22:26 | JCD’s Eggies hard boiled egg gag gift acquired at Goodwill by JMD |
0:25:02 | Producer Segment |
0:33:14 | ARSONomics YouTube producer, NBN Lebanon TV producer’s first question: “are you the same Adam Curry as the MTV guy?”; JMD’s friend’s obscure Russian satellite channels; Syrian consensus on US-Russia proxy pipeline war, ACC mulls invitation to Beirut or Damascus |
0:46:40 | Victoria “Nostradamus” Nuland lists locations of upcoming massacres by Syrian regime; spokeshole John Kirby at Pentagon press briefing: “I have no seen reporting that indicates that the Russians are providing attack helicopters to the Syrians”, refuses to acknowledge on the record “deal with the Devil” for Afghan helicopters; Nuland lays out plan to sidestep UN Security Council as was done with Yugoslavia in 1999; op-ed by Sergey Kavrov questioning mainstream Syria narrative, ACC: “the MTV stuff I did is probably now just airing in Syria!” |
1:01:10 | Nuland struggles to cover for Hillary’s lies about “freshly refurbished” helicopters; Fox News snubs former ambassador John Price predicting regime change not going according to plan; Hillary “our strategy is very clear, uh…” ding-fest; “hot looking Syrian babes” image search with screaming Hillary in middle of page |
1:13:25 | ACC accused of being a Holocaust denier on Twitter, “World War II was one big holocaust!”; liberal media ignoring Bill Maher’s “stupid religion” screed against Mormonism |
1:19:38 | Greece allowed to beat Russia in UEFA Euro 2012 on eve of election, results from upcoming Netherlands-Portugal and Germany-Portugal games hidden in teletext data, ACC anticipates Germany-Greece match, possible trio of 1930s fascist states; violence at Mario Monti’s visits to Bologna and Milan; Dutch refusing to pay their bills at Greek restaurants |
1:28:30 | IBM’s Sam Palmisano admits to going off “script” at Johns Hopkins commencement |
1:30:11 | Donation Segment: ACC’s $1,000 “oryx burgers!”; Chad Christian’s toilet paper story |
2:05:53 | “Severe liver effects, some fatal” Cymbalta and “may cause death” Celebrex competing for worst-sounding side effects; overuse of term “double down” and KFC Double Down sandwich |
2:14:20 | ACC’s OS X Mountain Lion dictation video; Lieberman’s Live Free or Die Hard cyberthreats |
2:17:41 | And Now Back to Real News: Miss Pennsylvania resigns claiming Miss USA is rigged |
2:19:45 | Three more droned in Waziristan; Gorgon Stare video capture technology; Sen. Rand Paul introduces S.3287 Preserving Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act of 2012 with “exigent circumstances” and DHS “credible intelligence” exceptions |
2:26:22 | Vice presidential predictions; McCain trying to get rid of Jackson-Vanik Amendment |
2:28:41 | Oryx head trophy for veteran deer hunter Ms. Micky |
2:30:18 | Biodiversitée: Christine Lagarde to battle poverty at Rio+20 with “gasolyne” tax, IMF carbon pricing e-book, “feebates” and VAT, World Resources Institute “social cost of carbon” |
2:46:27 | TSA goon demands woman no take photos of her husband being molested |
2:47:18 | Operation Purple Chariot for London Olympics |