0:00:00 | JCD: “She’s got the right look and feel.” (2:28:06 ) |
0:00:34 | ACC’s egg tree for Easter, anti-gnat DynaTrap “catch and release” system |
0:04:57 | Erin Burnett: “all right, this is… messed up!” and melodramatic sigh for “zombie gun” and US military’s Active Denial System “pain ray”; ACC’s “piece of crap” Ruger Zombie Slayer |
0:11:18 | NBC caught editing George Zimmerman 911 call to make him sound like a racist; ABC on Tulsa shootings: “is someone hunting black people?”; Obama introduces “50th anniversary” of To Kill a Mockingbird 49 years after its release; Yoshi Blue Diamond Ware skillet ad |
0:20:31 | Producer Segment: JCD requests oddball musical instruments |
0:29:14 | JCD’s economic hit man’s Malawi warning and President Bingu wa Mutharika’s heart attack |
0:34:07 | Deepak Chopra: “we kind of bamboozled the country into spending money that they hadn’t earned, to buy things that they didn’t need, to impress people that they didn’t like” |
0:36:03 | Lucifer Clinton’s International Crisis Group speech with Wolf Blitzer and Wes Clark; producer note on pronunciations “Ear-ran” and “Ear-raq”; Prof. Colin Kahl on “123 Agreement” with UAE preventing domestic uranium enrichment; Bahrain visit by Dutch Queen Beatrix |
0:46:36 | Douchebag mayor mandates door-to-door searches during Queen’s Day royal visit to Rhenen |
0:55:14 | China buying access to resources by building stadiums in the Caribbean |
0:56:29 | No Agenda Pipeline Fever: UK companies moving in on Burmese gold deposits |
1:00:26 | S.1813 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act “and for other purposes” including passport revocation over tax debt, sponsored by “the dipshit from California” Barbara Boxer, ACC story: armed IRS goons at Mevio, JCD story: IRS looking for John Dvorak in Kansas |
1:11:21 | John Stossel “on the warpath” over college tuition up 750% in 30 years |
1:15:29 | DSM-5 alcoholism test: “you look forward to drinking”; US military encouraged to keep soldiers doped up in war zones; FDA approves Eli Lilly sketchy Amyvid dye test for Alzheimer’s |
1:22:56 | Joe Lieberman’s S.2105 Cybersecurity Act of 2012 with DHS running the show, National Cybersecurity Competition and Challenge, “more secure versions” of protocols like DNS |
1:32:53 | Donation Segment: Curry-Dvorak Legislation Analysis Group |
1:54:22 | 12-year-old girl explains to auditorium of adults how the banks and government “have colluded to financially enslave the people of Canada”; Obama’s “redemption at God’s hand” Easter address; PSA with text messaging white guy plowing into black family |
2:00:05 | Author Marianne Williamson blathers about “the immense power of forgiveness”, JCD: “I don’t wanna hear about it on this show or on PBS!” (JCDPPotD) |
2:03:41 | BiodiversitĂ©e: The Guardian declares climate change “a moral issue on par with slavery”, James Hansen to call for global carbon tax; “world without birds” PSA; ACC recommends post-apocalypse film The Road; bogus link between colony collapse disorder and HFCS |
2:14:03 | Local news idiots giggle about piglet-dog buddy story; new Stars Earn Stripes reality show; Free Speech TV interstitial blames US militarization on global warming |
2:18:16 | Egan-Jones downgrades US debt to AA; Brian Sack resigning from Yew York Fed |
2:22:27 | The Euro: Greek pensioner kills himself in front of Parliament; Christine Lagarde to appear on 60 Minutes; potential replacements for Lucifer as Secretary of State including Wendy Sherman |
2:28:24 | Sky News admits reporters guilty of hacking and illegal weapons; Fox News blackmail theory |
2:31:01 | Heroin 25% cheaper than prescription drugs; Russian airfields hosting NATO “nonlethal cargo” |
2:35:28 | Obama shoveling hundreds of millions more into completely ineffective Head Start programs |
2:38:01 | Outro: CNN Iran bombing pros and cons debate for end of show |