0:00:00 | ACC: “No paper for you, no bagels, no paper! Shut up!” (1:22:40 ) |
0:00:34 | Hillary’s term “intransigence”, Marx Brothers Riding the Range “it’s clippity clop” song |
0:02:33 | The Hunger Games and Michael Bloomberg’s “no bagels for you edict” prohibiting food donations for the homeless; ACC’s Austin “honey guy” prohibited from handing out samples, Farmer Chris busted for talking about raw milk; Gitmo Nation East slaves worth £425k |
0:11:32 | Obama has the hubris to proclaim Greek Independence Day |
0:12:25 | Producer Segment |
0:20:07 | Sanford City Council vote no confidence in police chief in Trayvon Martin case, CNN now “Don Lemon channel”; George Zimmerman’s screams allegedly on 911 tape; C-SPAN caller from Houston interrupted in the course of describing gruesome local black-on-black murder, Obama’s comments “a sin before God”; black parents having “the talk” meme |
0:30:23 | WHO predicting tuberculosis pandemic, 5-10 year blueprint for vaccine testing, WHO’s Lucica Ditiu: drug-resistant tuberculosis “a totally man-made disease”; JCD on 1929-1930 Lübeck disaster caused by contaminated BCG vaccine; Obama nominates Dartmouth President Jim Yong Kim to run World Bank; Kim to Charlie Rose on anti-TB grants from George Soros and Gates Foundation; bizarre “Dartmouth Idol” rapper skit |
0:42:13 | Former Russian banker German Gorbuntsov “sprayed with bullets” in London; JP Morgan scamming customers of funds illegally transferred by MF Global’s Jon Corzine; Obama signs STOCK Act, mandate for report on sale of “political intelligence” |
0:51:03 | Obama “no stronger ally” and “punches above its weight” compilation; ACC’s gig in Beaumont Texas, hubcaps with spikes; Mia Farrow’s Darfur activism |
0:57:23 | Ask Adam: 2000 clip of Bernie Sanders griping about blue-collar wages; stammering Clooney and Prendergast cueing each other with Charlie Rose |
1:06:00 | Journalists pester Victoria Nuland for list of twelve countries exempted from sanctions over oil trade with Iran, list “pretty clearly readily available in public sources”, Matt Lee: “it’s really not”, unrecognized Taiwan allegedly on list; Obama in South Korea with military buildup, China sniffing around Sri Lanka and Indonesia; No Agenda Pipeline Fevah! jingle |
1:14:56 | Nuland asked about recent coup in Mali, meeting to discuss “those assistance problems… uhh, programs”, trouble caused by Tuareg rebels who kicked up a fuss in Libya, Chinese gold mining operations in Mali; JCD harassed over boarding pass in pocket by fat TSA screamer |
1:24:06 | Nuland greets Syrian journalist’s beard, all-in on “Assad six points” proposed by Kofi Annan with “humanitarian pause” in hostilities but without timeline for Assad to step down |
1:29:50 | Democrats pushing for PNTR permanent normal trade relations with new WTO member Russia, Republicans all-in against the notion citing Russia’s “disregard for human rights” |
1:35:16 | Hollywood Whackers: Michael Jackson estate’s $200M contract with Sony; CNN on Xanax ruled out as causes in death of Whitney Houston, Bobbi Kristina Brown “crucial” to inquiry |
1:39:45 | Donation Segment: ACC tries out his Chinese and Hyundai ad surfer dude read |
1:58:18 | Austin architect offers to design Curry-Dvorak library “which, conveniently, Ms. Micky and I would live in”, JCD proposes Hey Citizen Library made of shipping containers |
2:06:31 | Toulouse standoff’s Mohammed Merah apparently already hours dead before Sarkozy’s appearance; Kandahar massacre as revenge for Mokhoyan roadside bomb |
2:13:14 | Ron Paul’s H.R.2769 Parental Consent Act of 2011 vs mental health screening push |
2:15:54 | Google “environmental conditions” patent; Monsanto Look Closer at Biotechnology for children |