0:00:00 | ACC: “The whole thing, they were on the ground, boots on the ground!” (1:27:59 ) |
0:00:33 | “Hey citizen!” popularity; JCD struggling with spreadsheets, technical malfunction! jingle |
0:05:58 | Producer Segment: givingloving.com jingle |
0:13:52 | NYT headline “Hedge Funds May Sue Greece”; Jan Kees de Jager to head financial tribunal in The Hague; Athens residents protesting again, Acropolis for rent at $2,000 per day |
0:19:20 | Haiku Herman “takes note” of Standard & Poor’s “so-called decision” to downgrade EFSF, backed by “unconditional and irrevocable guarantees”; YouTube “ask Herman”: “when you are going to stop kidding yourself and accept the fact that the euro is dead?”, politics “the art of making possible what is necessary”, United States of Europe vs “they are one state and we are twenty-seven”; debatingeurope.eu and “Merkozy”; riots in Romania and EU membership vote in Croatia, JCD story: Eurail Pass and Croatian vs Slovenian bureaucrats; Romanians protesting health reforms; Belgium considering €400 cap on cash transactions |
0:39:28 | Costa Concordia captain’s bogus “fell into the lifeboat” story |
0:40:53 | Rick Perry finally drops out of presidential race; Mitt Romney blathers nervously about releasing his tax returns; White House CTO Aneesh Chopra dodges SOPA/PIPA question |
0:48:13 | ICANN’s $800k CEO Rod Beckstrom retiring in July, “new age whack job” VP Elad Levinson |
0:52:17 | Ulsterman Report’s White House Insider on Obama’s Gregorian chant and amnesia at Denver convention, event organizer Kam Kuwata killed after talking about it; Michelle Obama flubs script: “the day Barack announced that I’m some angry black woman” (CotD) |
1:02:13 | Valerie Jarrett’s Secret Service detail for Ebenezer Baptist Church; Obama demands Betty White’s birth certificate on her 90th birthday; White House lockdown due to “smoking objects” |
1:07:35 | ACC seeking Geiger counter for Bed, Bath & Beyond potentially radioactive tissue holders |
1:13:10 | Thom Hartmann panelist David Bray argues with him and bitches during teleprompter read |
1:18:27 | International Atomic Energy Agency issues nebulous report on Iran’s nuclear program; ex-CIA “old coot” Ray McGovern revealing secret US-Iran deals, arrested for turning his back on Lucifer Clinton, JCD: Pacifica Radio “a bunch of Navajos reading poetry” |
1:26:31 | New York Times “crisis deepens” in Syria, BBC reveals special forces lurking in Libya |
1:29:33 | “Problematic woman” Gloria Borger on “very very tight race” and “eye-popping number” favoring Ron Paul in polls; Erin Burnett “who still needs to go on Jenny Craig” asks Paul supporters about write-in option, ageist “who would be the oldest president ever” lie; Fox News “asshole” S.E. Cupp: “why is no one pointing out that Ron Paul is like 300 years old?”; neocon Bill Kristol: “good riddance” if Paul leaves GOP, “the nerve of this guy!” (JCDPPotD) |
1:42:22 | In the midst of SOPA/PIPA hysteria Ron Paul introduces repeal of NDAA Section 1021; “Kaiser Obama” illegally dodges decision on Keystone XL pipeline |
1:47:11 | And Now Back to Real News: pedestrians wearing headphones getting mowed down in droves |
1:49:24 | Donation Segment: A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 documentary |
2:12:08 | Hillary Clinton gripes about “irresponsible actors” and jumps on board International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities, Chinese anti-satellite weapons program |
2:16:14 | ACC and Ms. Micky headed to Bonaire for a week; producer note on PwC VAT plan for US |
2:19:13 | McCain’s opposition research file on Romney; Chris Matthews identifies Romney’s joke writer |
2:25:41 | NYPD testing terahertz imaging to detect guns, Dutch portable fingerprint scanners |
2:29:22 | Stammering Sanjay Gupta on Le Roy teens: “not all the girls got the Gardasil vaccine”, Anderson Pooper’s “mass hysteria” theory, ACC: “this is a huge scandal!” (ACCPPotD) |