0:00:00 | JCD: “This show is the worst ever!” ACC: “No wonder people don’t wanna help us out!” |
0:00:40 | Miss America 2012: Ms. Micky enthralled by pageant of leggy Fox News hopefuls, voiceover reveals desire for “somebody that’s media-savvy, knows how to manipulate the media”, winner Miss Wisconsin “dumbest of the five” asked about political affiliation, “change for the crowning ceremony” giveaway, New York disqualifies herself by answering OWS question intelligently, ACC: “would’ve been better if she went, mic check!”, douchebag swimsuit judge looking for contestant who “knows what’s going on with current affairs”; “come back to Disney” ad |
0:14:12 | Darrell Issa’s H.R.3782 Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act, White House responds to SOPA and PIPA petitions by declaring DNS off-limits, generic top-level domains from ICANN for a mere $185,000 a pop, CEO Rod Beckstrom formerly of National Cybersecurity Center; Association of National Advertisers’ Dan Jaffe to PBS on “thicker WHOIS system” and administration’s assurance against “unreasonable disclosures of personal information”, “single global agreement” for police takedowns; distraction of Reddit blackout |
0:33:47 | Producer Segment: producer’s NYPD drone strike street signs |
0:45:14 | Bones hacktivist villain: “I’m a patriot!”, office fire caused by computer virus with “fractals on a bone”, JCD: “this is the dumbest thing I have ever seen a TV show”, Miss America ratings up 47%; CNN fearmongering about Anonymous “Anons” |
0:52:23 | State Department’s Ian Schuler on “Internet in a Suitcase” origin: “literally we went out and bought a suitcase and took a bunch of equipment that we had around the office … and put it into a suitcase” (CotD), JCD: “was Vivek Kundra behind this?” |
1:00:20 | Rev. Manning “whup him with the Constitution!”; Current TV vs MSNBC |
1:06:14 | Costa Concordia sinking just in time for release of Titanic 3D, captain arrested for abandoning ship, ACC’s Iranian submarine theory; CNN’s “female version of Lurch” Barbara Starr helping ratchet up tensions with Iranian speedboat stories, WTF of US Coast Guard in Persian Gulf still under DHS; Leon Panetta “red line” litany; Milton Bradley Battleship ad |
1:18:59 | Obama brings US-made props to his weekly video: “this is insourcing”, mysterious White House forum, seeking to “streamline and reform the Executive Branch”, “let me be clear: I will only use this authority for reforms that result in more efficiency, better service, and a leaner government” lie; Consolidation Authority Act to create cabinet-status position and fast-track authority; businessusa.gov “coming soon”, Aric the Shill’s VAT theory |
1:32:49 | Donation Segment |
1:50:53 | PBS’ “educational show” The Electric Company: “F called up PH!” |
1:54:36 | “Pimping for Paul” campaign run by prostitutes; Rick Santorum sweater vests, natural gas conversions “about $15,000 per car”; clueless Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on running controversial show “for some unknown reason” at 9:00 Central Time instead of 10:00 |
2:05:50 | ICANN now in control of tzdata timezone database; Starship Troopers 3 “hey citizen!” |
2:08:53 | Twelve high school girls in upstate New York with “strange uncontrollable tics” health officials are not allowed to discuss because “it’s a federal issue”, ACC: “it’s Gardasil!” |
2:14:56 | Greek government trying to slash expenditures ahead of March bankruptcy, Standard & Poor’s downgrades of several EU countries; Russia Today on worsening of debt crisis; €5,000 limit on cash payments in Belgium; Amsterdam parking fees based on car length |
2:25:21 | “Dramatic increase in the price and production of Afghan opium” according to UN |
2:29:03 | LA Times: voters don’t know Ron Paul is anti-war; Paul vs Mika Brzezinski for end of show |