0:00:00 | JCD: “It’s a cool drone, let’s send it to Iran, let it land over there … ” (2:26:34 ) |
0:00:48 | ACC explains the standalone “it’s Crackpot and Buzzkill!” stinger |
0:02:39 | Curry-Dvorak Consulting Group to take on Obama strategy, JCD’s pince-nez |
0:05:26 | Lois Whitman on Alec Baldwin’s PR stunt with American Airlines and Words With Friends |
0:09:34 | “General” Eric Holder to Democrat Ted “Douche” Deutch: long guns are a national security threat; 5.7 magnitude earthquake in cartel hotbed Guerrero Mexico |
0:15:37 | Bizarre shooting at deserted intersection of Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles, shooter’s bloodless bullet-riddled corpse, videographer Chris Johns to Don Lemon: “I told him that he was an angel sent from God to kill me”, Johns’ YouTube channel pushing just-registered wedontmind.org for Obama tax agenda, bidetforless.com and fildate.com , three-name shooter Tyler Douglas Brehm’s mother a Filipina, anonymous victim being guarded by police, Asian witness to KTLA: “and he’s shouting and running, Allahu akbar, he said, Allahu akbar!” |
0:30:07 | Producer Segment |
0:40:38 | “Five-star Attorney General” Holder dodges question about testifying under oath, Rep. Sandy Adams asks why gunrunning across international borders would not require his approval, “if you need help I’m sure that your agency personnel can get into those computers” to check his personal e-mail, Holder offers to “go against tradition” and release a trickle of information, “clean hands” legal doctrine; Holder refuses to discuss apology to Brian Terry’s family; Darrell Issa throws contempt of Congress in Holder’s face: “John Mitchell responded that way, too”, Holder invokes McCarthy hearings: “have you no shame?”; Jason Chaffetz grills Holder on Obama’s unfounded claim of Holder’s innocence, “Katie bar the door when we unveil this, baby” e-mail; ACC theory: Reggie Love kicked out to relieve him of executive privilege |
1:01:13 | Obama weekly address: “tell your members of Congress, don’t be a Grinch” |
1:03:25 | And Now Back to Real News: JCD recommends Hugo in 3D, John Carpenter’s They Live New World Order; Obama brags about al-Qaeda leaders “who’ve been taken off the field” |
1:09:23 | Lucifer Clinton in the Netherlands: Eric Schmidt “a co-conspirator from time to time” |
1:14:56 | Gingrich burns Romney with his 1994 loss to Ted Kennedy; Romney’s $10k bet offer; Ron Paul deflects morality question onto oath of office; camera angles and candidate heights |
1:28:34 | Gingrich to The Jewish Channel: Palestinians are an “invented” people |
1:31:43 | Former Colin Powell chief of staff Lawrence Wilkerson: NDAA “another step on the road to tyranny”; Sen. Carl Levin on Obama administration demanding Section 1031 apply to US citizens; producer notes on repeal of sodomy provisions for end of don’t ask don’t tell |
1:39:50 | Donation Segment |
1:53:48 | Eric Holder speaking at LBJ Library in Austin; ACC all-in on local farmer’s market |
1:57:51 | Haiku Herman on “new fiscal compact” from ESM “European Screwing Mechanism”, “more automatic sanctions, stricter surveillance”, ACC theory: US and UK trying to sink euro, Curry-Dvorak Consultancy global collapse “next slide please” skit for Red Book |
2:13:54 | Ban Ki-moon: homophobic bullying a violation of human rights; producer $69.69 note |
2:17:30 | Trains Good Planes Bad: Popular Mechanics all-in on automation in light of Air France 447; IEEE Spectrum predicts pilotless flights; sheriff calls in Predator drone for six missing cows |
2:21:23 | US drone commandeered by Iran the same type that spied on bin Laden, “another intelligence catastrophe”, ACC’s insider calls entire narrative into question |
2:28:46 | NIST to finally release report stating that office fires caused World Trade Center 7 collapse |