0:00:20 | ACC’s switch from O2 to UK Three, voicemail, disappearing text messages |
0:04:11 | Obama appears to take the lead, Michelle Obama videotape rumor, three gay members of Chicago church murdered, annoying oration style |
0:11:49 | Bilderberg Group “drinking club” meeting in Virginia; David Icke reptilian theory |
0:15:42 | Russia Today on radiation-absorbing mineral; JCD on São Paulo rock shop’s giant geodes; Vatican PR guy in Korea, Marco Polo’s divorce papers in archive |
0:21:51 | JCD’s lousy lunch at Cafe at Country, Ted Leonsis’ LIST Magazine and new credit card; The Independent international edition in hotel lobby; Chinese taking over UK weed trade |
0:33:07 | Rape of Nanking, Jane Seymour Japan PBS documentary |
0:41:48 | JCD Fox Business and CNBC tours, CNBC far superior; Brian Williams hitting on Patricia; CNBC’s high-end audience and production values; BT sells ACC out to spammers with new ISDN line; JCD on the writing gig contract process, “dummy contract”, 1⁄3 up front, Dvorak contract collection, speaking gig force majeur clause |
1:01:09 | Lisbon Treaty amendment to original Constitution, Irish referendum, incarceration for those with communicable disease, ACC question in Parliament; new German surveillance law; €10k limit on undeclared transfers in or out, airport money-sniffing dogs |
1:13:34 | Microwaving euro and new $20 bill RFID chips, JCD’s Faraday wallet and lack of microwave |
1:25:48 | Fast Company China-Africa deal article; oil price hearing with Soros, Enron speculation loophole for Goldman Sachs & Morgan Stanley, tanker holding pattern, aiming for $200 a barrel |