0:00:00 | JCD: “The roads’ll be clogged, there’s no way you can get out …” (2:06:31 ) |
0:00:35 | Choosing a forwarded domain for ACC’s upcoming Entertainment Weekly interview |
0:03:06 | Foiled Iranian assassination plot against Saudi ambassador that “reads like the pages of a Hollywood script”; Lucifer Clinton obsessed with Fast & Furious; Joe Biden on “compelling evidence” from “multiple sources”; “coincidence” of Arkansas drug trafficking police officers |
0:14:40 | CDC official Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey arrested on child molestation and bestiality charges, $1.5bn terrorism preparedness program; Emergent BioSolutions anthrax vaccine contract |
0:18:47 | Boston police send Occupy Wall Street protestors packing and forbid recording by media |
0:20:30 | Andrew Napolitano rants about government’s “plots and conspiracies of its own making” |
0:23:11 | Phony New York Times “vagina is hilarious!” article, feminine hygiene ad spending up 30% |
0:29:19 | Producer Segment: ACC riffs on winloseordrone.com ; thehuffingtonpost@aol.com |
0:46:10 | And Now Back to Real News: Operation Hackerocity results in “identity theft” arrest for exfiltrating naked celebrity pictures, JCD: “make sure everybody breaks the law!” (JCDPPotD) |
0:49:45 | Julia Gillard’s pre-election “there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead” vs “pricing carbon is the right thing to do and I said that during the election campaign”, Warren Truss: “tyranny has come to Australia this day”, Australian Parliamentary hourglasses |
0:54:28 | Occupy Santa Cruz surfer Noodle Boy weighs in; Obama’s conference call with mayors, Zuccotti Park owned by Brookfield Office Properties, YouTube videos with hired actors; Bill Clinton shills for Obama jobs bill to Letterman; sketchy footage of Brooklyn Bridge arrests, Craigslist ad for sign-holders; South Park Border Patrol keeping the Mexicans in |
1:07:06 | Fox News: “we like to dismiss straw polls, especially when Ron Paul wins them”, producer yelling in Chris Wallace’s ear; second place “strong showing” for Herman Cain; Don Lemon: “does this actually mean anything??”; Ellis Henican’s low-testosterone Woody Allen voice |
1:14:48 | Drone Nation: Air Force to take bids on hardened runtime project in Arizona |
1:17:58 | University of California dingbats lining up for vaccine after mumps outbreak, “this morning I woke up with rashes so I was nervous about all the symptoms!”; Jerry Brown signs bill allowing children to independently seek out STD “treatments” like Gardasil; New Hampshire pushing vaccine for “pandemic” H1N1 and two others “expected to be in circulation” |
1:27:52 | Nigel Farage on Slovakia’s rebellion against bank bailout scheme, “it’s like Barroso in the bunker, unaware of what is happening in the outside world, but planning world domination!”; NPR Planet Money douchebag: “the fate of the world” hanging in the balance |
1:34:53 | Dictator Obama: “we’re not gonna wait for Congress … just get it done”, Bill Daley stepping down as chief of staff, ACC predicts Giffords 2012; Democrat “bundler” LightSquared CEO |
1:46:38 | Donation Segment |
2:00:52 | Media protecting Bank of America from bad PR; next debate to be sponsored by US gas industry; Keystone XL “get a haircut”; Canary Islands underground volcanic eruption |
2:06:52 | Insincere PSAs with Michelle Obama & Jill Biden; Michelle to “absolute dick” Al Roker on Target shopping spree: “we try to sneak out as much as possible” lie; Walmart intercom hijacker: “Dick Cheney, you’re wanted for the crimes of 9/11”, JCD: “identity theft” |
2:14:47 | Soap opera reveals airplane tail numbers can be searched online |
2:18:17 | Angelina Jolie boots on the ground in Libya for “reconciliation and justice” |
2:19:47 | CNBC raves over Elon Musk’s “electric jet” plans, ACC: “confusing himself with Tom Swift” |
2:23:33 | White House demonstrator arrested after throwing a shoe at police |