0:00:00 | ACC: “Vote for Curry-Dvorak 2016, Crackpot & Buzzkill, we’re a balanced ticket!” (2:10:00 ) |
0:00:36 | Obama unnecessarily proclaims Labor Day, bogus 1882 Department of Labor history vs Wikipedia on Grover Cleveland intervening in 1893 Pullman Strike; Obama whines about Congress not renewing “no-brainer” transportation bill, Section 903 for railroad unionization; no coverage of half a million people protesting in Israel, JCD: “we have Snooki!” |
0:11:53 | CIA’s history of cooperation with Libyan intelligence, defector Moussa Koussa’s document signed “Steve”, CNN’s “alleged document”, ACC: “I wanna meet Steve”, 2002-2004 documents designed to embarrass Bush and Cheney |
0:21:19 | BBC Gaddafi “apprehended or killed” propaganda from empty Martyrs’ Square in Tripoli, “in the next couple of hours it’s going to be absolutely packed”, B-roll with old-style Libyan flags, kooky accented Gaddafi voiceover; Ed Miliband spews celebratory talking points, British Secretary of State William Hague on all the groovy things yet to be done; David Cameron brazenly lies “it wasn’t a foreign force that knocked over Gaddafi’s regime”; Lucifer Clinton “shares the anger” about release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi in spite of CNN report (CotD) |
0:34:22 | Old Libyan flag resurrected under National Transitional Council; author notes to Russia Today that “evil” countries are free of World Bank debt, Gaddafi’s gold dinar; Louis Farrakhan citing Confessions of an Economic Hit Man for end of show; UN to release “chunk” of frozen assets |
0:38:11 | Producer Segment: noagenda.ca golf balls |
0:47:18 | Travel advisory for potential Path to Persia reward recipient Morocco; WikiLeaks’ diplomatic cable redaction deal with media outlets cut short with release of full archive; friendly fire comedy of errors in riot at Saydnaya Prison in Syria; Nicolas Sarkozy all-in on Dominique Strauss-Kahn in leaked 2007 cable, foreknowledge of massive subprime banking fraud |
0:56:24 | Large banks sued by US government over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac losses; Jacques Chirac too ill to attend his corruption trial; UN child molesters in Côte d’Ivoire and Haiti |
1:06:19 | FBI and DHS warning about small “aircraffs” around 9/11 anniversary |
1:08:23 | UN report lets Israel off for Gaza flotilla raid, ACC predicts Turkish false flag against Israel |
1:15:17 | ACC recommends Avoid News: Towards a Healthy News Diet by Rolf Dobelli |
1:21:15 | Donation Segment: ACC’s birthday piñatas, hot peppers, and Uggs |
1:33:30 | John’s Gonna Hum the Sunday Times: secret codes in the upper right, US stalling UN vote on Palestine, “Soldier, Thinker, Hunter, Spy” headline with unabbreviated “al-Qaeda” |
1:38:26 | Feds bugging out of Alaska immediately before earthquake; Canary Islands tsunami scenario, over 4,200 minor earthquakes in five weeks, seismic equipment stolen, FEMA East Coast exercise, ACC on 9/11 “scalar” directed energy weapon, Chinese “Tesla dome” bubble, tsunami “advertising bonanza”, JCD: “you can run out and grab all kinds of shells and stuff” while tide recedes; Japanese branch of Domino’s announces plan to build restaurant on the Moon |
1:49:09 | Bad acting in Zorro TV series with Jesse Ventura; The Simpsons “specious reasoning” foreshadowing TSA, The McLaughlin Group douchebags give TSA high marks |
1:55:56 | US government’s 1940s Guatemala syphilis experiment, CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux: “to make sure that that really never comes to light in the future”; WPIX “First Amendment Nut” with commentator Lionel on success of Simon Glik lawsuit; “Feel Good Friday” cash for the slaves |
2:10:00 | ACC contemplates 2016 presidential run, deportation plan for Fareed Zakaria & Piers Morgan |
2:13:58 | Keith Olbermann anti-Second Amendment rant, JCD: “repeal it!” |
2:18:01 | White House announces online We The People petition “suggestion box” |