Call Clooney!

322 Pastafarians Unite! (2011-07-17)

Show 322 album art
0:00:35Hot Pockets 2008 Tour begins in Baroness Maggie Vincent’s driveway, JCD: “wow, you’ve gotten far!”, Catfish documentary, meetup with spooks & sysadmins, North Carolina chiggers
0:12:09Breaking news: Verizon tells customer to get subpoena for itemized bill
0:14:31Redheads have no soul according to redhead Baroness Maggie; News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks’ resignation eclipsed by Harry Potter in Twitter trends; News Corporation shareholder Prince Alwaleed bin Talal to BBC: “I don’t talk on behalf of management”
0:23:41David Cameron to British Parliament on media regulation: “I think self-regulation has got quite a bad name now”; JCD story: detained by British military for photographing in MP Jack Straw’s neighborhood; Straw all-in on statutory regulation; Cameron calls for advice from media experts, ACC: “there shall be no ugly chicks presenting the news!”; London Times working on connection between Gordon Brown and Benazir Bhutto’s assassination
0:32:40Producer Segment: hate for human and nonhuman weasels
0:46:57British Parliament “it takes two to blag”; Washington D.C. carpooling “slog stops”
0:50:32Contagion trailer “someone doesn’t have to weaponize the bird flu, the birds are doing that”, “it mutating!” meme-fest; JCD on Andromeda Strain and Outbreak precursors; JCD forced to watch Ponyo; Beckham family vilified for having fourth child Harper Seven of Nine
0:59:18“Perl script gone awry” Obama announces “I’m gonna be turning fifty in a week” two weeks early; “the American people are sold” on higher taxes revenues
1:03:47Scripted “abhorrent” questions from hot teacher for Julia Gillard
1:06:55Lucifer Clinton and Baroness Ashton in Turkey, TNC “legitimate governing authority for Libya”; BBC report on C-130 on “mountain road converted into an airstrip” with Pennsylvania-educated “rebel ministers”, rebels seeking “at least three billion dollars in aid immediately
1:14:21Donation Segment: JCD on lesbian stronghold Asheville “Sheville”
1:24:45ACC’s Lost Wages house-hunting report: “it’s not for us”, right-wing talk show host Jim Eason’s move to North Carolina, CVC to join Hot Pockets Tour in two weeks
1:28:58John’s Gonna Hum the Sunday Times: just now taking notice of “bath salts” stimulant, smear campaign against Michele Bachmann’s gay husband, all the good stories in the Saturday Times
1:32:25George Clooney making the rounds after “coincidental” discovery of South Sudan mass grave
1:35:01Al Jazeera notes explosion in US antipsychotic use; Italy downgraded by Moody’s after cutting off Libyan rebels; Dr. Drew doling out Abilify on Celebrity Rehab, actress Bai Ling on the roof
1:42:50Haitian refugees paid $250 to clear out of Port-au-Prince stadium
1:45:12Incoherent Rep. Betty McCollum: “75% of Americans ages 17 to 24 years of old, ages years of old”, “high grass prices”, amendment to “limit the motorship sponsor racing”
1:49:12C-SPAN transcript search and missing clips; Dennis Kucinich on debt ceiling “American Idol semifinals”: “Wall Street cashes in whether we have a default or not!”; Baroness Maggie’s skyrocketing veterinary bills due to pet insurance scam, JCD on Obamacare drug price increases
1:58:22Jim Rogers to Russia Today: clueless Moody’s should have downgraded US years ago
2:01:52MEP Sophie in ’t Veld compares Greek and Californian economies, Dan Jørgensen: “Greece is not bankrupt!”, Martin Callanan all-in on “further integration”
2:07:53Austrian driver wins right to wear Pastafarian colander on head in license photo
2:09:30Two Dutch broadcast towers catch fire on the same day; hams lamenting JCD’s on-air absence
2:12:17British MP John Whittingdale notes media exposed phone hacking scandal, JCD: CIA vs MI6
2:14:17Obama set to win American Idol debt ceiling when “one third of the votes are gay”