0:00:00 | JCD: “He looked like a guy with a stick up his butt.” (0:21:48 ) |
0:00:35 | ACC’s service bell in digital form; notes author “Bubba” Martin dead of undisclosed illness |
0:05:28 | Casey Anthony case as ploy to get rid of US Constitution, acquittal after 33-day trial, media outrage over jury trial system, St. Louis DJ “Cornbread” callers weigh in |
0:17:06 | Fareed Zakaria: Constitution a “brief document that allows you to fill in the blanks over the last 222 years”, Simon Schama calls for “a great convention of debate” in light of polarization |
0:20:47 | Stammering Obama at Twitter town hall on debt ceiling and “modest deficit”: “it’s a pretty esoteric piece of business”, “I don’t think we should even get to the Constitutional issue”; introduction by “stick up his butt” Jack Dorsey promoting Salesforce Radian6 CIA “social media monitoring and analysis”, “neither the President or I know the questions that will be asked today” lie vs “this one was surfaced from our curator in California” from spook recruiter Truman Project; ACC tries out “nice to see ya!” impression; Dorsey: “I understand you wanna start the conversation off with a Tweeter yourself”, Obama: “we do have to make sure … that there’s internets”; troops in the field as excuse not to “lop off” a portion of the military budget, 1% education budget gaffe, White House “pay freeze” almost-lie vs promotions and rehiring |
0:39:52 | Producer Segment: ACC to look at Los Vegas real estate; KPCC NPR lying about ads |
0:54:45 | Link between autism and Prozac and other SSRIs suppressed by New York Times, JCD on possibility for Johns Manville scenario with antidepressants and pregnancy |
1:00:57 | Two upcoming NASA rocket launches to release lithium in ionosphere |
1:04:34 | AP hummer on TSA concern over surgically-implanted “boob bombs”; EU to allow body scanner technology, calls “to deploy technology which is the least harmful for human health” |
1:10:03 | Lucifer Clinton bragging about TechWomen program, Senior Advisor for Innovation Alec Ross’ “Tech Camp” in “former Soviet states”, Lucifer in 2010: “we will enhance the technological capacity of women in seven Muslim-majority countries”, gender-neutral “mentors and mentees”, Special Representative of Commercial and Business Affairs Lorraine Hariton |
1:22:12 | Christine Lagarde insults Dominique Strauss-Kahn at press conference, “I’m not going to brag about my qualifications or lack of qualifications”, “the new architecture of the world”, diversity goal “so that people are not clones of each other” challenged by Fox Business reporter |
1:30:02 | BBC’s Damon Green tweets disgust at Ed Miliband’s robotic talking points; George Osborne’s repeated “double dose of good news” talking point in 2010 interview |
1:37:05 | Goldman Sachs’ loss of 97% of Libyan sovereign wealth fund in 2007 |
1:38:54 | Donation Segment |
1:49:49 | Obama offers Iraq 10k combat troops; Bill Clinton wrongly attributes “more perfect union” to Declaration of Independence, misquotes Martin Luther King “arc of history”, JCD: “a liar, makes it up as he goes along, a horrible person!” (JCDPPotD); Obama’s Mussolini-like “hello everybody! bonanza” on White House balcony, 2008 “my father served in World War II” lie |
2:03:23 | PBS account executive job posting: “helping underwriters to grow their business” |
2:06:47 | France to stop giving Libyan rebels weapons; Obama’s military delegation to South Sudan |
2:11:15 | Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World shut down over phone “hacking” scandal, deletion of missing teen Milly Dowler’s voicemails; 14-day shelf life for Tesco sandwiches |
2:19:27 | British Parliament debates carrying of knives; Clinton lawyer Jack Quinn to run Blackwater |
2:22:38 | H.R.1981 Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 ISP logging, definitions of “harassment” and “intimidation”, ACC: “we’re doomed!”; JCD recommends eXistenZ film |