0:00:00 | JCD: “Their alleged offense? Heterosexuality!” (1:56:48 ) |
0:00:36 | ACC on Soma muscle relaxant due to back trouble; ACC’s affiliate program canceled by Amazon due to unconstitutional California sales tax; new No Agenda Haiku Show on stream |
0:15:34 | Scripted question from “MKULTRA slave” Julianna Goldman at White House press conference, medley of Obama “corporate jet owners” memes, “matter of days” vs blatant lie “what I told the American people was that the initial phase, where Americans were in the lead, would take days, if, perhaps weeks”, “promise made, promise kept”; Euronews on McCain & Kerry ringing opening bell at Egyptian Stock Exchange, S. 618 for Egyptian-American Enterprise Fund, rebel funding from International Republican Institute with chairman McCain, Mohammed ElBaradei a Soros shill, Wael Ghonim responsible for campaign website |
0:33:15 | Foreign Relations Committee wrangling over boots on the ground in Libya; Obama “rape as a weapon of war”; Lucifer Clinton “whose side are you on?”; NYT on Afghan hotel gunmen |
0:41:29 | MSNBC Morning Joe mock outrage over Mark Halperin calling Obama “kind of a dick” |
0:46:25 | Producer Segment |
0:54:52 | Christine Lagarde installed at IMF, ex-Lehman Brothers Madelyn Antoncic World Bank VP |
0:57:50 | Compilation of Obama’s “blood and treasure” neocon meme ramified throughout C-SPAN |
1:02:41 | EPIC FOIA documents identify cancer cluster among TSA screeners, Johns Hopkins calls out DHS lie about NIST sign-off; DHS “Citizen’s Dosimeter” patent; VIPR highway checkpoints; Time shredded Constitution cover article “One Document Under Siege” full of mistakes |
1:10:26 | Obama lie-fest dodging Chuck Todd’s scripted question: “I’m not going to put my constitutional law professor hat on here”, Gaddafi “responsible for more American deaths than just about anybody on the planet” before bin Laden, JCD: “that include Hitler?”, “reams of information” for Congress lie, epic “there-there-there-there may, there may be a time” stammer |
1:22:45 | ACC recommends book Imperial Life in The Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone |
1:26:17 | Donation Segment |
1:41:53 | ACC: “tsunami no, HAARP yes!” on Biblical weirdness on south coast of UK; mysterious “floating city” in China; UFOs and mother ship over London; 2.5Hz HAARP and Fukushima |
1:47:11 | “It follows you” ad for Seroquel XR with 26 seconds of ad and 64 seconds of “death”; flu vaccine now recommended for pregnant women; Anderson Pooper; vaccines in food and drinking water; Rick Perry in favor of mandatory Gardasil in Texas |
1:53:44 | Two to the Head: WHO pandemic critic Prof. Lars Haaheim dead on fishing trip; Reuters: Michael Jackson now worth $310M after being $400M in debt |
1:56:21 | NYT on softball team stripped of Gay World Series second place for heterosexuality; Lucifer Clinton on bringing Lady Gaga to Rome for EuroPride festival; JCD reads his Nigerian spam |
2:00:36 | NBC hit piece with Isaac Yeffet vs TSA nominee Erroll Southers on adult diaper searches |
2:06:11 | Mathematicians campaigning for π replacement by τ; electrical grid slowdown in Venezuela; Comac C919 passenger jets made in China; New Zealand prisoners smoking nicotine patches |
2:13:06 | Army offering to buy flooded land in North Dakota; jail for bad restaurant review in Taiwan |
2:18:30 | Judge trying to get Jared Loughner to testify under antipsychotics; E.coli outbreak possibly from Egypt; Tony Blair and Bill Clinton starting bank venture; Julian Assange keynote gigs |
2:23:27 | All US presidents but Van Buren related to 13th Century King of England |
2:26:02 | Awful WAMU NPR “Tech Tuesday” intro; Michael Bloomberg Fox & Friends meme-fest: “the Second Amendment doesn’t protect terrorists”, Adam Gadahn “a real terrorist!” |